[00:02:23] Trying to get to the other side of the power-user-friendly / new-user-friendly tradeoff. (re @Disk: If Gerrit is better than GitHub, then why we are migrating to GitLab which is more similar to the latter one?) [00:04:27] it has 16K pages... (re @MaartenDammers: Someone any idea why the metadata for https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=imageinfo&titles=File:%D8%A7%D9%...) [00:06:38] Also, AIUI Gerrit is poorly packaged as few orgs other than those actively developing it use it. GitLab has a larger reuser community. (re @Disk: If Gerrit is better than GitHub, then why we are migrating to GitLab which is more similar to the latter one?) [00:18:57] we're migrating to GitLab because upper management decided we're migrating to GitLab, over some objections [00:19:36] how it's supposed to support existing workflows has yet to be fully determined [01:18:04] the metadata on the description page is pretty sure fwiw. (re @gtisza: it has 16K pages...) [03:28:50] Are tg reactions seen over the bridge? (re @wmtelegram_bot: we're migrating to GitLab because upper management decided we're migrating to GitLab, over some objections) [03:29:15] replies are, but emoji reactions are not [09:43:50] and at least for some answer will be "this is not supported" (re @wmtelegram_bot: how it's supposed to support existing workflows has yet to be fully determined)