[02:21:45] Does anyone know the best way to get a list of valid interwiki prefixes from the API? Like "m", "metawikipedia", "c", "commons" and so on [02:25:14] https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&prop=&list=&meta=siteinfo&formatversion=2&siprop=interwikimap probably (re @jhsoby: Does anyone know the best way to get a list of valid interwiki prefixes from the API? Like "m", "metawikipedia", "c", "commons" ...) [02:25:34] ( https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox#action=query&format=json&prop=&list=&meta=siteinfo&formatversion=2&siprop=interwikimap ) [02:25:53] perfecto, thank you very much [02:26:10] ^^ [02:26:21] before asking i looked through prop and list, forgot meta existed 😂 [05:14:24] I tend to load w/api.php, click on the recursive submodules link and then search in the page 😅 [05:46:08] I basically do the same but via more user friendly [[Special:ApiSandbox]] (re @Nikki: I tend to load w/api.php, click on the recursive submodules link and then search in the page 😅) [05:47:22] how do you do it via that page? [05:49:10] Ah, well, if by search you mean Ctrl+F then I guess it isn't possible there. But I search with my eyes. As it goes the modules are not always called an intuitive name, like transclusions are called embedding or something in API IIRC, so Ctrl+F will not always help anyway 😅 [05:49:25] yes, I mean ctrl-F [05:50:41] the point of using the recursive submodules link is to load everything so I don't have to click loads of things looking for where they've unintuitively hidden something [05:57:05] at least for me, special:apisandbox only started being useful once I knew where things were, like once I'd learnt that search is under "list". before then I just got frustrated because I would go through loads of menus looking for it, and end up trying ones I'd already tried because I'd lost track, and at least with ctrl-F it goes through all the matches before repeating itself [09:22:18] siteinfo module if you want the interwiki map for a given wiki (and then probably filter for those with the 'local' property). sitematrix API on metawiki if you want all the Wikimedia interwiki prefixes. (re @jhsoby: Does anyone know the best way to get a list of valid interwiki prefixes from the API? Like "m", "metawikipedia", "c", "commons" ...) [11:02:05] takes a while to load the full recursive help though ^^ (re @Nikki: the point of using the recursive submodules link is to load everything so I don't have to click loads of things looking for wher...) [11:03:15] not that long, and if I'm looking for something, I don't know where it is, so it's way faster than going through loads of dropdowns until I give up and use that page anyway [11:07:53] Ah. Well, I've known the general logic of where things might be for the last decade so my approach kinda works for me 😅 (re @Nikki: at least for me, special:apisandbox only started being useful once I knew where things were, like once I'd learnt that search is...) [11:17:14] yeah, if it works for you, that's fine. I mentioned it though because I assume jhsoby was already using special:apisandbox before having to ask here