[07:43:35] https://github.com/diskdance/DefinitelyTyped/tree/oojs-ui-new/types/oojs-ui [07:43:35] Here is my work on type definitions of OOUI, which is actually quite a large project. So I hope folks can take a look to figure out possible mistakes and improvements, thanks! [07:43:58] Here is my work on type definitions of OOUI, which is actually quite a large project. So I hope folks can take a look to figure out possible mistakes and improvements, thanks! [07:44:56] (I have no idea why my account was limited on Telegram for spamming for sending this, does it look like an advertisement?) [11:25:04] Perhaps something you did in other groups? Or you only encounter limitations here? (re @wmtelegram_bot: (I have no idea why my account was limited on Telegram for spamming for sending this, does it look like an advert...) [11:27:22] yes, I cannot send messages in this group only, it's okay in other groups [11:27:34] s/yes,// [11:28:59] perhaps putting the GitHub link in a separate message from the remainder of what you wanted to say caused some problems? (re @wmtelegram_bot: (I have no idea why my account was limited on Telegram for spamming for sending this, does it look like an advert...) [11:54:00] I wonder if that is what that aggressive anti-spam turnes on recently means [11:59:50] I signed up πŸ˜€ [11:59:51] My ideas for the hackathon are: [11:59:52] * play with machine learning and Wikidata [11:59:54] * play with training GROBID Q62830627 to parse plain text references from English Wikipedia see https://github.com/internetarchive/wcdimportbot/issues/426 [11:59:55] * hack on ItemSubjector Q115100941 [13:35:51] @Auregann is it possible to do the scholarship application after signing up? [13:39:38] Hi Nikki! I'm not sure in understand you question at 100%, but let me try to answer: [13:39:39] The scholarship application is integrated in the registration form, as an extra "add-on" you select at the beginning of the booking process. Even if the registration is complete, it is possible to edit it and add a scholarship application later on - as long as it's before January 14th. Does that answer your question? :) (re @Nikki: @Auregann is it possible to do the scholarship a [13:39:40] pplication after signing up?) [13:39:53] yes, thanks :) [13:40:31] Cool, let me know if you encounter a technical issue with Pretix or something else. [14:02:16] can we use this to improve our tools? https://ai.facebook.com/blog/ai-self-supervised-learning-data2vec/ [14:05:48] For example I would like to train it to link between Wikidata items and crossref subjects since crossref has not sone entity linking. [14:05:49] We are currently missing a lot of items that match scientific subjects. I don’t know how to best fix that. [14:05:51] Maybe create at tool that identifies most used crossref subjects that are currently missing in Wikidata and makes it dead simple to create it? (re @dpriskorn: can we use this to improve our tools? https://ai.facebook.com/blog/ai-self-supervised-learning-data2vec/) [14:08:21] Is it GPU dependent? [14:14:46] Which one? (re @tehreedy: Is it GPU dependent?) [14:15:04] The AI project you're referencing [14:43:50] I have not looked into it yet , feel free to share any findings πŸ˜€ (re @tehreedy: The AI project you're referencing) [14:44:13] They talk about GPU simulation and stuff in the github repo... But it's a bit vague :) [14:44:54] Most Ai nowadays seems to be quite resource intensive during training if I understood correctly.