[20:12:52] New blog post on the Wikimedia TechBlog about a library that makes it easy to parse the HTML content of Wikipedia articles: https://techblog.wikimedia.org/2023/02/24/from-hell-to-html/ [21:08:37] Clever title for "mwparserfromhtml" [21:09:36] * AntiComposite waits for a 'helloid' parser [21:10:24] I always wondered whether mwparserfromhell started with that dark name, or whether it gained that name after people realized what a horror show it was [21:23:15] I guess I should publish a blog post promoting my Rust version :p [21:24:08] mwparserfromhell was originally part of EarwigBot and then split out with the fromhell name when people realized the broader usefulness [21:33:11] I do hope the name didn't turn people off, mwphell was probably the second biggest advancement in wikitext parsing after Parsoid. Just about every Python-based bot uses it (Pywikibot uses it under the hood too) [21:33:47] I once wrote a web API for someone who didn't know Python but wanted to parse stuff out of wikitext using it...good times. [21:56:53] to me the name is encouraging, it’s good to know that the library author is keenly aware of wikitext’s hellishness ^^ [22:02:13] yeah, a "BeautifulAndSimpleWikitextParser" couldn't be trusted not to give itself anxiety upon seeing an average English Wikipedia template [22:04:05] exactly