[15:02:39] Hi everyone, as you may already know, Wikimania 2023 is currently accepting submissions for the August event that is taking place both on-site (in Singapore) and online as well. We would love to see submissions from all over the world, and this year there are tracks related to Tech such as Technology, GLAM, Community Initiatives, and ESEAP. Deadline for submission is 28 March. So [15:02:40] do remember to submit early! 😊  submission site is https://pretalx.com/wm2023/cfp [15:02:41] [15:02:43] We encourage anyone of you to use the demonstration session format which gives highlight on tools demo. [15:02:44] [15:02:46] Raw submissions are seen on [15:02:47] https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Wikimania_2023_Program_submissions [19:45:45] This may not be the best place, but these two tools are broken but I'm not sure if they are known to be broken, or if there is a wmcloud issue: [19:45:46] https://denelezh.wmcloud.org/ [19:45:47] https://whgi.wmflabs.org/ [19:45:49] [19:45:50] Both give "502 Bad Gateway" from nginx [19:52:31] Looks like it is not a Cloud VPS issue. [20:09:07] Thanks for that feedback. I'm not even sure who to ping about these but will look (re @wmtelegram_bot: Looks like it is not a Cloud VPS issue.) [20:33:28] looks like wikidumpparse has whgi.wmflabs.org, the proxy probably needs to be adjusted after the project was shutdown and un-shutdown [20:33:38] same with denelezh [20:35:00] project members are listed at https://openstack-browser.toolforge.org/project/wikidumpparse, don't bother Andrew Bogott or bstorm about it though (they're WMCS folks, not project maintainers) [22:57:48] You can use https://humaniki.wmcloud.org/ for Humaniki. WHGI and Denelezh are no longer maintained for years. (re @fuzheado: This may not be the best place, but these two tools are broken but I'm not sure if they are known to be broken, or if there is a...)