[00:07:48] hm... my guess would be that it's loaded twice then, once from each ResouceLoader module / gadget [00:08:31] I think a usual workaround would be to extract it into a separate, hidden gadget and have the other ones depend on that? [00:08:48] but it's too late for me to try that out right now 😴 [00:09:05] yeah, that sounds sensible. i'll try that [10:51:47] I can't create new pages, I have little experience (re @Nicolas: What do you mean by "can't" ? Is there a problem? Do you get an error message ?) [15:47:42] Only the first file executes if you use a package, which is the reasonable way to write new gadgets: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/ResourceLoader/Migration_guide_(users)#Package_Gadgets (re @jhsoby: If a gadget script is included from two different gadgets, will it execute only once, or twice?) [15:50:39] i ended up using the dependencies route (tested on my local install that it only executed once), but i'll keep this in mind for future use [15:50:53] If you don't do that, I think ResourceLoader will concatenate all your script files into a single JS string and execute that, so the same script used in multiple gadgets would run multiple times if multiple gadgets are loaded.