[08:09:42] Tooltranslate seems to be down (I noticed because someone in the GLAM-Wiki community wants to translate a tool to their language). One of Magnus' tools. Dumb question ... who can restart it (only Magnus?) and what is the best place to ask to do so? https://tooltranslate.toolforge.org/ [08:10:13] Not only that one, but lots of Toolforge tools are down. Should be back up by tomorrow [08:11:13] Ah. Is there a place where end users like me (non-technical people relying on Toolforge tools) can see that such a thing is going on? [08:12:30] i discovered it because i got ~20 emails from a tool I'm maintaining tonight, and then checked the telegram channel Wikimedia Cloud Services (https://t.me/wmcloudirc) to see what was going on, but it's not super clear to me exactly what is the cause [08:18:07] you can subscribe to the cloud-announce mailing list [08:18:38] [[mail:cloud-announce]] [17:24:13] Please see https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Portal:Cloud_VPS#Communication_and_support (re @Yetkin: cron jobs failing...)