[02:37:48] best wishes for a speedy recovery! (re @trnstlntk: Hi all, I just had a positive Covid self test. Symptoms are very mild (very light cold symptoms). I may have caught it at the ha...) [03:35:38] Latest release seems to be from three weeks ago: https://github.com/commons-app/apps-android-commons/releases (re @amire80: My Android updates the Commons app :)) [03:37:15] But a Google Summer of Code intern has recently joined the team and will be working on upload issues, so we'll hopefully see more updates coming soon 🤞https://github.com/commons-app/apps-android-commons/issues/5129 [03:37:43] Hope you feel better soon, Sandra!! (re @trnstlntk: Hi all, I just had a positive Covid self test. Symptoms are very mild (very light cold symptoms). I may have caught it at the ha...) [08:14:35] Feel better soon ❤️ (re @trnstlntk: Hi all, I just had a positive Covid self test. Symptoms are very mild (very light cold symptoms). I may have caught it at the ha...) [08:17:24] Thanks all! The symptoms are still super light, no worries, just the sniffles. [09:05:39] For those who may want to share your hackathon showcase presentation in a more digestible format, an interesting option is to use YouTube's "clip" feature, which allows sharing a short (up to 60 seconds) snippet of a longer video, with it's own title, while remaining connected to the original one. Here's a clip I made of my presentation, for example: https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx [09:05:40] i4uxYxnGqsRZLJ07fz6CXlSAWtZbD1lE