[06:15:24] "How did you get from Thessalonik..." <- I took a bus to Sandanski and continued by train from there. [13:53:02] Need a hand translating it to Ukrainian? (re @amire80: Wikistats is now available with user interface in Russian, Hebrew, and a few more languages.) [13:57:06] simon04[m]: wow, well done! [13:57:32] I just published a blog post about my hackathon experience: https://lucaswerkmeister.de/posts/2023/06/03/wikimedia-hackathon-2023/ [14:51:35] The Ukrainian translation is already (almost) complete and deployed! You can choose it at the bottom of https://stats.wikimedia.org . You can complete or review the translation at https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Special:Translate?filter=%21translated&action=page&language=uk&group=wikistats . (re @dedushka: Need a hand translating it to Ukrainian?)