[08:00:41] Nice! I actually had a couple accessibility (contrast) tweaks I meant to propose during the Wikimania hackathon, but didn't get around to do that. That said, I happen to be heading to a weekend-long event that will feature a Wikimedia-focused hackathon, so depending on the other participants' needs (I'm coordinating the hackathon) I or others may end up proposing them soon! (re @ [08:00:42] djhartman: FYI, i made some updates to https://zonestamp.toolforge.org [08:00:43] Let me know if you encounter problems. [08:00:45] [08:00:46] Thx to @gtisza for adding a ...) [08:01:51] Also nice to see you removed the "24/12" indicator — indeed it was slightly confusing as it looks like a date 😅 [12:13:38] "what the heck month is 24?" – Americans, probably (re @waldyrious: Also nice to see you removed the "24/12" indicator — indeed it was slightly confusing as it looks like a date 😅) [12:18:17] Does this mean it's not possible to view the time in the 24-hour format anymore? (Perhaps the time could be always shown in both formats?) [12:20:25] Maybe it was intended for 24-hour format [12:24:13] AM / PM always confuses me, why not use normal 24 hour notation? You should be using UTC, not GMT. Or is this tool intended to only be used by British people? 😊 (re @djhartman: FYI, i made some updates to https://zonestamp.toolforge.org [12:24:13] Let me know if you encounter problems. [12:24:15] [12:24:16] Thx to @gtisza for adding a ...) [12:28:15] What I see now: "The event will take place on September 16, 2023 at 3:26 PM [12:28:16] (GMT+3:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius" [12:34:59] I love 24-hour format [13:39:42] Its top tight now, but only on viewing a timestamp : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/93a6dea7/file_52496.jpg [13:40:33] Id like to make it automatic, but seems the browsers dont yet support retrieving that information yet :( [13:55:33] Perhaps do a rough guess based on the locale and make life better for many (but not all)? (re @djhartman: Id like to make it automatic, but seems the browsers dont yet support retrieving that information yet :() [14:05:13] new Intl.Locale( navigator.language ).hourCycles[0] (re @djhartman: Id like to make it automatic, but seems the browsers dont yet support retrieving that information yet :() [14:05:22] although it won't work in Firefox [16:27:07] Here it is! 😁 https://github.com/hartman/zonestamp/pull/22 (re @waldyrious: Nice! I actually had a couple accessibility (contrast) tweaks I meant to propose during the Wikimania hackathon, but didn't get ...)