[06:26:01] Forwarded from dpriskorn: The swedish lexemes are getting better and better. :) [06:26:02] I'm curious if there is a user script that helps me on this sense L1166021-S1 to add the lemma and gloss to Q77293133 as label and description. [06:26:30] Here is an idea for a small simple user script to help lexeme editors... (re @dpriskorn: The swedish lexemes are getting better and better. :) [06:26:30] I'm curious if there is a user script that helps me on this sense L116602...) [06:31:29] Also we are perhaps missing a user script to link to synia Q121294613 similar to https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:So9q/ordia-link.js [06:32:39] The difference is that synia support all wikibase entity types so the script should be intelligent about that. [06:37:45] Also a new user script to send labels or description or any other text from Wikidata to the LexSrt API once I get it set up in toolforge. [06:37:47] This could help autocheck if we have lexeme forms for every word in every label and description and highlight the missing ones and make them clickable to add the missing lexeme. 🤩 [06:43:44] Q122790616 [06:45:07] This could really help increase the visibility of the gaps in the lexicographic data to editors [06:50:33] Step one is forms. Step two is making sure we have senses covering the meaning in any particular description. [06:50:33] I could make an API for that too so it is simple to implement in the same user script. [06:50:35] User stories: [06:50:36] As a user I want to hover over a word in a description and get a list of senses in a popup [06:50:38] As a user I want to be able to directly add a missing sense to the lexeme of the word I'm hovering over [06:53:31] We could have color on words. [06:53:32] Red: form is missing in Wikidata [06:53:33] Yellow: form exists [06:53:35] Green: form and at least one sense exists [06:53:36] Blue: form exists and the number of senses is at least as many as in the corresponding Wiktionary page (this is hard to implement because WT is not machine readable, but could probably be done.)