[15:12:36] When would ECH be deployed o all Wikimedia servers? [15:12:56] I guess it should involve sysadmins [15:14:40] what's ECH [15:17:10] Encrypted Client He’ll [15:18:41] Something involving encrypted SNI header [15:20:59] is this the new cloudflare thing from this week [15:21:31] probably a while [15:21:43] it'll have to make it into the right stacks supported [15:26:16] Not from this week, it has been here for a while (re @wmtelegram_bot: is this the new cloudflare thing from this week) [15:26:36] it was expanded this week [15:26:43] still a draft rfc [15:26:57] https://blog.cloudflare.com/announcing-encrypted-client-hello/ [15:27:16] i doubt nginx/apache/varnish going to rush [15:27:24] Yes, that’s it! [15:27:47] A powerful enough tool [16:46:09] Hey there, is there anyone to chat? [16:46:25] This isn't a chat channel [16:55:26] It is, but with a specific topic. (If no one would chat, there would be no messages in the channel.) (re @wmtelegram_bot: This isn't a chat channel) [17:02:12] General chat then