[03:43:37] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-IPInfo/blob/master/tests/phpunit/integration/HookHandler/PreferencesHandlerTest.php [03:43:47] I modelled this test after this file [03:44:13] But I don't need to implement logging modules [03:45:03] Therefore I omitted anything related to logs [04:35:48] @lucaswerkmeister Can you see it? [08:05:04] Hell, I fixed the file, passed the test on a separate branch [08:05:36] But I attempted to recheck previous patches, why still can't they pass? [09:47:38] Is Quarry down? [09:59:04] Seems intermittently down [10:32:01] Should be fixed now [17:49:11] Is the Beta Wikidata's API known to be flaky? I am trying to create a claim, but even through the API sandbox am getting: [17:49:12] "Could not find an entity with the ID \"$1\"." [17:49:13] [17:49:15] (sic, with the $1!) [17:49:16] [17:49:18] this is the request URL produced by the API sandbox: [17:49:19] https://wikidata.beta.wmflabs.org/w/api.php?action=wbcreateclaim&format=json&entity=Q12480&snaktype=value&property=P5831&value=%22itsastring%22&token=fbb1d314c907dc564cff2a46acffc1f6653800da%2B%5C&formatversion=2 [17:57:28] (answered in the wikidata group) [18:02:56] thank you!