[08:08:37] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/6ecded4a/file_53912.jpg [08:08:38] hey, where can I find the database schema updater... : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/bef645ee/file_53913.jpg [08:19:32] [[Manual:Update.php]] (re @Punith: ) [10:44:26] :( : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/9f1c0dee/file_53918.jpg [10:50:52] You need to run composer [10:51:07] Pretty much expected you should do that when updating [10:57:36] you mean "composer update --no-dev" (re @tehreedy: Pretty much expected you should do that when updating) [10:59:12] yep did that.. [11:02:37] And? [11:03:10] Notice AbuseFilter requires separate composer deps (re @tehreedy: And?) [11:03:19] Punith [11:03:32] I encountered this before [11:03:38] If you’re running master, you’re probably developing and want the dev stuff. Or you shouldn’t be running master for production [11:04:11] Yes, but the answer would be the same. And depend how you set it up too (re @cvictorovich: Notice AbuseFilter requires separate composer deps) [11:04:27] Of course, I didn’t read it properly. And it’s not a composer error [11:04:30] Also, please disable Echo [11:04:45] Echo extension has some errors [11:05:33] Dev version of MW would display warnings about hook errors atop the page [11:06:10] ehh... what should I do now.. [11:06:26] That's a malformed object which would hinder JS from functioning [11:06:38] I'm here to help you (re @Punith: ehh... what should I do now..) [11:06:46] Are you using MySQL or SQLite? (re @Punith: ehh... what should I do now..) [11:07:05] Is your local server up? (re @Punith: ehh... what should I do now..) [11:08:17] Do you have AF extension installed? [11:08:45] What has that got to do with anything? (re @cvictorovich: Do you have AF extension installed?) [11:08:55] The error is related to a db connection [11:09:22] I encountered composer dep error for that! (re @tehreedy: What has that got to do with anything?) [11:10:13] we are using SQLite right ? as mentioned in docker-compose.yml?..or are we supposed to install locally ..? (re @tehreedy: Are you using MySQL or SQLite?) [11:10:34] I don’t know what you’re using, hence asking [11:10:35] I installed them on local machine (re @Punith: we are using SQLite right ? as mentioned in docker-compose.yml?..or are we supposed to install locally ..?) [11:11:10] But if you’re using docker, that’s not the correct way to run maintenance scripts [11:11:47] As it looks a lot like you’re running them on your local machine directly [11:11:55] Don't use docker! [11:12:11] I don't like it: XAMPP is a good choice [11:12:15] Lots of people use docker [11:12:24] Personal choice is fine [11:12:54] As for Mac, I use MAMP [11:13:09] Anything like this is fair enough [11:21:57] let me walk through everything i did [11:21:57] 1) installed pageTriage [11:21:59] 2) made the necessary changes in the LocalSettings.php ( mentioned in https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PageTriage ) [11:22:00] 3) "docker compose up -d " in media wiki directory [11:22:02] [11:22:03] this should take care of everything right? (re @tehreedy: I don’t know what you’re using, hence asking) [11:22:43] Try update deps in PageTriage dir [11:23:22] It doesn’t have any, so it won’t help (re @cvictorovich: Try update deps in PageTriage dir) [11:23:36] Oh well [11:23:59] Maybe updating db would help [11:24:37] … [11:24:52] That’s what they’re trying to do, and are getting an error [11:25:25] He should make sure his local db engine is up [11:25:50] That makes no sense if they’re using SQLite [11:26:25] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki/blob/master/DEVELOPERS.md [11:26:30] I'm on MySQL and it only works when engine is up [11:26:49] There is a section "(Cannot access the database: Unknown error (localhost))" [11:27:00] Yes. But this is not relevant here (re @cvictorovich: I'm on MySQL and it only works when engine is up) [11:27:28] But also “Running commands” (re @tehreedy: There is a section "(Cannot access the database: Unknown error (localhost))") [11:27:41] I listed what I encountered before and how I got it working above [11:27:56] ‘docker compose exec mediawiki bash’ and then run update.php from inside the container [11:28:13] > You can also run a single command in the container directly from your host shell, for example: docker compose exec mediawiki php maintenance/run.php update. [11:29:47] (I don't think this mechanism of docker is efficient [11:30:03] But anyone has freedom to choose [11:30:35] Right. But when it’s in theory a supported dev env… [11:30:55] I don’t use docker either for MW [11:31:47] Docker itself is taking up much disk space [11:32:44] Can you please keep these comments to yourself? [11:32:45] [11:32:47] It’s not helpful or productive. [11:33:54] Can you try running update.php as I mentioned above? (re @Punith: let me walk through everything i did [11:33:54] 1) installed pageTriage [11:33:56] 2) made the necessary changes in the LocalSettings.php ( mentioned...) [11:39:09] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/08ef49fe/file_53921.jpg [11:46:02] That’s not running it as I mentioned above… [11:50:30] .. : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/ef23a5e9/file_53922.jpg [11:54:07] Still not [11:54:20] You need to run the command via docker [11:54:27] ^ (re @tehreedy: > You can also run a single command in the container directly from your host shell, for example: docker compose exec mediawiki p...) [12:01:05] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/128ca94a/file_53925.jpg [12:07:39] Ahh finally it is working... (re @tehreedy: You need to run the command via docker) [12:08:44] thankyou @tehreedy [12:23:57] 👍