[12:30:28] Is there a recommneded way to use any Wiki interface (Wikipedia, Wikidata, MW) in an Iframe, can I find a sample solution implemented in another tool? [13:59:34] What's a "wiki interface"? What's the underlying problem to solve that made you think of an Iframe? [14:07:17] The interface is meant to edit a Wikipedia page from another tool. (re @wmtelegram_bot: What's a "wiki interface"? What's the underlying problem to solve that made you think of an Iframe?) [14:08:39] What is a "tool"? [14:08:43] Can you please be more specific? [14:09:03] If you want to edit a wiki page from another tool, make the tool use the API to edit a wiki page, I'd say. [14:25:59] MediaWiki yes, Wiki[mp]edia no (re @Eugene233: Is there a recommneded way to use any Wiki interface (Wikipedia, Wikidata, MW) in an Iframe, can I find a sample solution implem...) [14:27:19] See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgBreakFrames [14:28:03] Although maybe it's only disallowed for editing? Not sure off the top of my head [14:28:38] In any case for a general MediaWiki installations it's configurable [14:31:02] The particular tool is an editing tool for introducing newbies to making their first edit on Wikipedia. This had been developed before the growth features came. We now want to still sustain the tool somehow and also be able to guide participants to use growth features after using our tool. (re @wmtelegram_bot: What is a "tool"?)