[04:52:40] To do what? (re @Punith: what permission do I need here?) [13:56:45] ...and how is your question related to writing code? :) (re @Punith: what permission do I need here?) [14:19:40] hey, I fixed it I wanted to try out an extension where it was necessary to create a dummy page... (re @andreklapper: ...and how is your question related to writing code? :)) [19:12:20] New extension repo - should this still be in Gerrit or is it personal preference? [19:12:31] (Between that and GitLab) [19:13:31] For now gerrit. Eventually gitlab but not yet to my knowledge [19:14:12] The ci infra for mediawiki-related stuff is not there yet [19:17:37] Cool, requested.