[13:45:08] TypeError: MediaWiki\Extension\FlaggedRevs\Frontend\FlaggablePageView::setViewTabs(): Argument #1 ($skin) must be of type MediaWiki\Skin, MediaWiki\Skins\Vector\SkinVector22 given, called in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/extensions/FlaggedRevs/frontend/FlaggedRevsUIHooks.php on line 234 [13:45:10] I can't get petscan to work... it loads, but dosn't give article lists. Is it a known issue? [13:45:17] https://codesearch-beta.wmcloud.org/search/ allows you to search trough almost all code, even if less documented. [15:19:52] They don’t have to. But it’s good practice on new code (re @cvictorovich: Must test units be namespaced? If so, I'll do it) [15:23:46] I’m reconstructing the FlaggedRevs extension (re @tehreedy: They don’t have to. But it’s good practice on new code) [15:24:08] The first step is to make everything namespaced [15:25:18] And remove everything global objects [15:26:04] I still have some confusion about dependency injection [15:30:32] Do one thing at a time [15:30:40] Otherwise it’s going to be unreviewable [15:41:43] Are you sure you wanna deal with it? I beleive every wiki is running away from this extension. (re @cvictorovich: I’m reconstructing the FlaggedRevs extension) [17:35:08] That’s why I’m going to work on it (re @albertoleoncio: Are you sure you wanna deal with it? I beleive every wiki is running away from this extension.) [17:40:00] Though it’s advisable, sometimes each task is interlinked (re @tehreedy: Do one thing at a time)