[05:39:18] Toolforge has buildpack support now, which is hassle-free (if by that you mean deploying by pushing to git; I imagine the initial setup involves some hassle).I don't think there is any easy-to-get Redis support, but you could just add an smaxage parameter to action API calls to cache them in Varnish. (re @Jdlrobson: @Ladsgroup yes eventually but right now I need the hassle free i [05:39:18] nstant deploys with Netlify. I do need to make use of the Redis ...) [08:01:06] The lingo is a bit off ("articles" and "paragraphs [08:01:06] of text") and the proud "you edited Q123!" could use a label, but that's all minor :-) (re @Nicolas: Oh, I'd love to use it for Wikidata) [12:14:19] There is some limited Redis support in Toolforge: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Redis_for_Toolforge (re @gtisza: Toolforge has buildpack support now, which is hassle-free (if by that you mean deploying by pushing to git; I imagine the initia...) [12:17:58] In general, it's always interesting to compare the experience with other providers (e.g. Netlify) and try to reduce the additional "hassle" with Toolforge. I would suggest creating a Phab task to discuss the obstacles for migrating this specific project. [14:43:34] Fundamentally Jon is avoiding the accidental complexity of ssh and unix shell commands by hosting at netlify. Their model is web gui to create project plus automated deployment based on web hooks. https://www.netlify.com/blog/2016/09/29/a-step-by-step-guide-deploying-on-netlify/ [14:43:35] [14:43:36] Buildpacks put Toolforge a step closer to a similar workflow, but we are still missing the deployment automation.