[13:19:21] Do we have documentation somewhere on upload errors from mediawiki? [13:21:23] what sort of docs? [13:22:26] I second this, would appreciate a document that contains all of the errors that could be returned by the server when uploading files (I know of some like "badtoken") but have sometimes stumbled on other ones [13:23:38] how do you document unknown errors? [13:25:15] it's common to have some mediawiki upload error from video2commons but to understand uncommon errors I'm usually going to source code [13:28:38] `pywikibot.Error: UploadError: exists-normalized: File exists with different extension as \\\\\\\'Z\\\\\\\\xc3\\\\\\\\xa9ro_de_conduite_(1933)_par_Jean_Vigo.jpg` was the one that got me wondering today, but its happenned before with other errors. We have `File already exists` and `stashfailed` in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Video2commons#Standard_errors but it feel [13:28:38] s weird to be documenting these for a tool, instead of linking to a more general docs. [13:30:55] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki/blob/master/includes/specials/SpecialUpload.php#L803-L835 [13:37:40] Code is not documentation, but thank you anyway :) [13:38:04] No, but documentation is generally written from code... [13:38:18] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:FileImporter/Errors [13:38:23] will be some overlap there... [13:59:59] that's a good first step, thank you for unearthing that link :) [14:15:35] there's probably some other docs around [14:15:37] but !bu1 [14:15:39] but !bug 1 [17:44:55] !bug 1 got all messed up by the Phabricator migration. :( Bugzilla's bug 1 == T2001 [17:44:56] T2001: [DO NOT USE] Documentation is out of date, incomplete (tracking) [superseded by #Documentation] - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T2001 [17:45:34] But it still does have vibber's epic "Our docs are teh suck. Fix them up." description :) [21:15:29] We all always fix the docs, but they always end up bad! 😁 [23:42:50] I saw this on Gerrit patch checks block. : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/28b45b62/file_56553.jpg [23:43:09] And this. : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/bc28478d/file_56554.jpg