[16:26:28] A little question for people who know gadgets well. There's a message in the Gadgets extension: "Package flag ignored as no script files are specified." Does it refer to a JSON key called `package`? [16:35:22] that sounds like the "package" option on https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Gadgets (re @amire80: A little question for people who know gadgets well. There's a message in the Gadgets extension: "Package flag ignored as no scri...) [16:37:16] the markAdmins gadget on https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition is an example of one which uses it [16:42:14] the gadget definition needs at least one javascript page for that option to make sense, so I assume that message would be printed to the browser console if someone adds it to a gadget that only contains css [16:51:50] Is it possible to build a wikilearn course on the introduction of wikimedia tech for new developers? [16:51:51] [16:51:53] I have a good number of interested folks but the wikimedia tech is so scattered and the documentation is also not very rich, people get confused. [16:51:54] [16:51:56] One intro wikilearn course with basics of wikimedia tech will help a lot (re @wmtelegram_bot: @Marajozkee: We recommend people start from https://developer.wikimedia.org/) [16:58:44] Are you asking someone to create it for you? [17:04:19] The Wikimedia technical contributor world is really, really big. This makes generic "where do I get started" questions very difficult to answer. Things look different if you are wanting to fix MediaWiki bugs; write a new MediaWiki extension; create a userscript on wiki; create a gadget on wiki; create a lu module on wiki; create an external tool that interacts with MediaWiki via API calls; etc. [17:04:55] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Small_wiki_toolkits has some very concrete tutorials on some very specific tasks. This might be the sort of content some people are hoping to find. [17:09:11] Wikimedia is in my mind an anarchist collective where nobody is really hierarchically in charge or selling a particular solution to the world. This is powerful and freeing for those of us who participate in building and running software to help folks collect and deseminate knowledge, but it is also confusing for many who are starting to explore with a capitalist purchased goods frame of reference. [17:11:20] Think of the change you want to see in the world and then look around and ask for ideas about how to get there. Don't expect a clear path until your problem is seen to match an existing pattern. [17:12:33] TL;DR: there is more than one way to do anything, and nobody here should want to tell others the "one true path" to contributing [17:58:42] I agree. But that could of course easily be the first chapter in a course which then could go on to explain a multitude of ways to get started and continuously emphasize that there are several ways to do them. (re @wmtelegram_bot: TL;DR: there is more than one way to do anything, and nobody here should want to tell others the "one true path" to cont...)