[00:03:59] reverse engineering sounds a bit extreme 😅 any edits that are possible can be done via the api (which is also what the wikibase interface itself is using, other than the handful of special pages), the actions starting with "wb" on https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php (re @zvczzxk: Updated prototype [00:03:59] [00:04:01] https://altilunium.github.io/Wikidatalite/?item=Q5287 [00:04:02] [00:04:04] [00:04:05] (Now it's 100% functional for reading and browsing pu...) [00:08:03] Trying to understand an API with inadequate documentation is like 'reverse engineering' to me. 😁 (In this case, the documentation doesn't provide any information about this specific mysterious code (5627445f-43cb-ed6d-3adb-760e85bd17ee) following the Q-ID) : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/af46fc31/file_58749.jpg [00:11:08] if you’re creating a new statement, you can leave it out and Wikibase will generate a GUID for you (I think) [00:11:23] if you’re editing an existing statement, you have to specify the ID so Wikibase knows which statement you want to edit [00:12:21] Thank you. I'll try it.. (re @lucaswerkmeister: if you’re creating a new statement, you can leave it out and Wikibase will generate a GUID for you (I think)) [00:13:35] `wbeditentity` is the most generic action, it can do most of the things the others do (the others are often simpler to use though). the examples don't always cover enough scenarios and it's not always clear what format it expects for the data or value parameters, but if you're not sure about anything, feel free to ask, there's people here (like me and lucas) who have used it quite a lot [00:17:09] How can I (securely) retrieve the user token in order to use wbeditentity? Should I implement OAuth somewhere? (re @Nikki: wbeditentity is the most generic action, it can do most of the things the others do (the others are often simpler to use though)...) [00:20:04] I think that's something lucas can answer better than me (I've usually opted for the "avoid being in that situation" approach by making my code run on wiki page so I don't have to worry about that 😅) [00:25:21] I think you can use `action=centralauthtoken` (mentioned near the bottom of the api page) to get the token, plus the `origin` parameter (to allow cross-domain requests) [00:28:21] what is it you want to do? directly edit from the page in the browser via JS? [00:31:49] if yes: I’m afraid that’s not yet possible due to T322944 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T322944); you’ll need a server-side component to make the requests without CORS restrictions [00:34:00] Thank you. I'll try this..(I somehow managed to get the token properly) : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/6ad4a7d5/file_58751.jpg [00:36:19] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/4a27727c/file_58752.jpg [00:41:16] can someone accept my wikimedia gitlab account request? [00:59:30] Thanks [01:03:31] Hello.. I am trying to work with Tool that reviews new uploads for potential copyright violations. [01:03:32] [01:03:34] This is what I did to run the nfp tool. [01:03:35] [01:03:37] I ran the flask app at at port 5000. [01:03:38] [01:03:40] Then I logged into toolforge server and tried to connect mariadb server using the command [01:03:41] [01:03:43] ``` [01:03:44] mariadb --user=$USER_FROM_REPLICA.MY.CNF --host= --port=5000 --password -h commonswiki.analytics.db.svc.wikimedia.cloud``` [01:03:46] [01:03:47] [01:03:49] But this error occurs [01:03:50] [01:03:52] ``` [01:03:53] ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'handshake: reading initial communication packet', system error: 11``` [01:03:55] [01:03:56] [01:03:58] How can I solve this? [01:05:05] Why are you using -h and —host? [01:07:13] I mixed up two commands [01:07:14] [01:07:16] ``` [01:07:17] mariadb --user=$USER_FROM_REPLICA.MY.CNF --host= --port=4711 --password enwiki_p``` [01:07:19] [01:07:20] [01:07:22] and for commons [01:07:23] [01:07:25] ``` [01:07:26] mariadb --defaults-file=$HOME/replica.my.cnf -h commonswiki.analytics.db.svc.wikimedia.cloud``` [01:07:28] (re @tehreedy: Why are you using -h and —host?) [01:09:37] without -h [01:09:38] [01:09:40] ``` [01:09:41] ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (115)``` [01:09:43] [01:09:44] [01:09:46] This error happens. [01:09:47] [01:09:49] I am trying to connect the database with local server. [01:10:09] Where are you runing those commands? [01:10:47] It looks like you're trying to use two completely different ones... the one using `—host=` is for you local machine if you've opened an SSH tunnel to allow this [01:12:37] in the toolforge (re @tehreedy: Where are you runing those commands?) [01:13:41] ```` [01:13:41] mariadb --user=$USER_FROM_REPLICA.MY.CNF --host= --port=4711 --password enwiki_p``` [01:13:43] ` will not work on the toolforge server [01:14:06] The other command should work fine [01:14:15] ``` [01:14:16] reedy@tools-sgebastion-10:~$ mariadb --defaults-file=$HOME/replica.my.cnf -h commonswiki.analytics.db.svc.wikimedia.cloud [01:14:17] Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. [01:14:19] Your MariaDB connection id is 49952426 [01:14:20] Server version: 10.6.14-MariaDB MariaDB Server [01:14:22] [01:14:23] Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. [01:14:25] [01:14:26] Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. [01:14:28] [01:14:29] MariaDB [(none)]>``` [01:15:10] But how can I connect this database with flask application of nfp? [01:15:11] [01:15:13] https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/toolforge-repos/nfp [01:15:14] [01:15:16] (I asked you about this in google meet) (re @tehreedy: reedy@tools-sgebastion-10:~$ mariadb --defaults-file=$HOME/replica.my.cnf -h commonswiki.analytics.db.svc.wikimedia.cloud [01:15:17] Welcom...) [01:16:40] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Database#Python [01:20:50] I think I got it. [01:20:50] [01:20:52] I used port 5000, which was already allocated to flask server. So I changed it to 4711 and logged in with that port. [01:20:53] [01:20:55] Then again I ran [01:20:56] [01:20:58] ``` [01:20:59] mariadb --user=$USER_FROM_REPLICA.MY.CNF --host= --port=4711 --password -h commonswiki.analytics.db.svc.wikimedia.cloud``` [01:21:01] [01:21:02] [01:21:04] with port 4711 and it worked (re @tehreedy: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Database#Python) [01:31:29] Sorry. It didn't work. [01:31:29] [01:31:31] ``` [01:31:32] ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'commonswiki.analytics.db.svc.wikimedia.cloud' (115)``` [01:31:34] [01:31:35] Throwing up this error. @tehreedy (re @athulvis: I think I got it. [01:31:37] [01:31:38] I used port 5000, which was already allocated to flask server. So I changed it to 4711 and logged in with tha...) [01:31:44] I will try this way now. (re @tehreedy: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Database#Python) [02:02:46] yeah. i think now i'm stuck here.. 😅 (re @lucaswerkmeister: if yes: I’m afraid that’s not yet possible due to T322944; you’ll need a server-side component to make the requests without CORS...) [02:41:29] Still I didn't get a method to connect toolforge with commons database @tehreedy @lucaswerkmeister [04:29:58] Is there a tag we're using for our wishathon patches ? @freosam [06:21:32] rt4y5u6iop[] [07:09:54] `wishathon` is what we've used in the past: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/q/hashtag:wishathon (on Gerrit; not sure what the equivalent is for GitLab). (re @HarumiMonroy: Is there a tag we're using for our wishathon patches ? @freosam) [07:10:25] Hopefully that's not a password! :-P (re @AgnesAbah: rt4y5u6iop[]) [08:39:55] I made [an MR for AutosuggestSitelink](https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/commtech/autosuggest-sitelink/-/merge_requests/44/) if anyone's keen to review. [09:00:56] Hi guys.. the social session starts now.. please tune in.. [09:00:56] [09:00:58] https://meet.google.com/rjq-mxde-kys [10:00:41] The next session is a Q&A office hour, and will start in five minutes (slightly later than scheduled). Same Meet link as above. [10:02:19] Hello @TheresNoTime @TheresNoTime , i am working on this https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T360184#9635449 . [10:02:19] [10:02:20] I need a documentation for the Dialog and windows manager or any other documentation on the WIKI ecosystem that can help for this specific task ! [10:02:22] [10:02:23] Thanks [10:07:35] @bthierry23 if you want, you could jump into the Meet call now and we could talk about the options for that. [10:07:56] Ok @freosam ! [10:09:42] Where is the call link please ? (re @freosam: @bthierry23 if you want, you could jump into the Meet call now and we could talk about the options for that.) [10:10:01] https://meet.google.com/rjq-mxde-kys [11:45:54] Hope everyone is doing well :) the next Wishathon session (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Event:WishathonMarch2024#Saturday,_March_16th) is 'Overview and discussion on the Future of the Wishlist' at 16:00 (https://iw.toolforge.org/zonestamp/1710604800) UTC (a little over 4 hours time) [11:48:41] How can we get started with this ? No tasks or subtasks https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T357484. [11:50:35] Good question! I'm taking a look now :) (re @abelmbula: How can we get started with this ? No tasks or subtasks https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T357484.) [11:50:45] Hello @TheresNoTime , i have just opened a PR for this https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T360184#9635449 [11:50:46] [11:50:47] Please check it out -> https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/commtech/autosuggest-sitelink/-/merge_requests/45 [11:50:54] Will take a look! (re @bthierry23: Hello @TheresNoTime , i have just opened a PR for this https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T360184#9635449 [11:50:55] [11:50:56] Please check it out ->...) [11:51:46] how to fix this error : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/39a212df/file_58770.jpg [11:52:33] But i still have a pipeline job that fails, i did `npm run build ` before `git commit` [11:52:34] [11:52:35] I need help to sort this out ! (re @TheresNoTime: Will take a look!) [11:54:30] hmm — did you commit all the changes? `npm run build` will add another change, so you may need to do something like `git add dist/AutosuggestSitelink.js` after running `npm run build` (re @bthierry23: But i still have a pipeline job that fails, i did npm run build before git commit [11:54:31] [11:54:32] I need help to sort this out ! @TheresNoTime...) [11:55:14] I added all changes with `git add .` [11:56:10] Hi :) this error means your version of MediaWiki core needs updating (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Upgrading) (re @Ratpi: how to fix this error) [11:57:33] looking.. (re @bthierry23: I added all changes with git add .) [11:57:55] OK (re @TheresNoTime: looking..) [12:01:24] Could it be that your branch needs rebasing? This change (https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/commtech/autosuggest-sitelink/-/commit/f7f8fd5d9576b719d1ca2d8c5cd466f214b5610d) got recently merged... @freosam any ideas? (re @bthierry23: OK) [12:02:45] Yes, I have already pulled those changes in my branch ! [12:03:15] 😵‍💫 I'll keep trying to figure it out.. unless Sam has any ideas! [12:03:16] Could it be an issue with Node version? Some of the changes, e.g. https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/commtech/autosuggest-sitelink/-/merge_requests/45/diffs#8239e20c4267ce5c5405ef03287507758b202bbf_4_4 look unrelated. Maybe `nvm use` before `npm ci`? [12:03:20] Hello everyone, I am working on Add ability to share QR code for a page in any Wikimedia project, I have cloned the git clone project https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/UrlShortener, in the script I added "scripts": { [12:03:20] "test": "grunt test", [12:03:22] "start": "grunt start" [12:03:23] }, [12:03:25] and in Gruntfile.js I added // Definition of the "start" task to launch the application [12:03:26] grunt.registerTask('start', ['/* Tasks required to start the application */']); [12:03:28] ?? can someone help me start the project with grunt?? [12:04:18] @Delord_wayire that's a MediaWiki extension, you'll need to get MediaWiki installed and then set up the extension within that. Grunt is only used to run the JS tests etc. [12:05:30] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/How_to_become_a_MediaWiki_hacker and https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/New_Developers is a great resource for getting started with MediaWiki :) if you can use Docker, https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki-Docker is fairly easy to get started with! :) [12:06:41] So let me start with nvm use then ! (re @freosam: Could it be an issue with Node version? Some of the changes, e.g. https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/commtech/autosuggest-siteli...) [12:07:58] 🤞hope its that! [12:08:35] We should upgrade the required Node version, it's still on 14 [12:09:25] yeah... `nvm use` breaks for me on my mac (`make: *** [node] Error 2 [12:09:26] nvm: install v14.17.0 failed!`) so I often have to undo the unrelated stuff before committing 😬 (re @freosam: We should upgrade the required Node version, it's still on 14) [12:09:56] thank you (re @freosam: @Delord_wayire that's a MediaWiki extension, you'll need to get MediaWiki installed and then set up the extension within that. G...) [12:10:18] @TheresNoTime is that because it's too old? It works with newer versions fine? [12:10:53] I'm not sure if its because its too old, but it works fine with my system default (20.11.1) 🤷 (re @freosam: @TheresNoTime is that because it's too old? It works with newer versions fine?) [12:12:11] me too! [12:12:11] What about the node version for the Pipeline jobs environment ? (re @TheresNoTime: I'm not sure if its because its too old, but it works fine with my system default (20.11.1) 🤷) [12:13:19] https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/commtech/autosuggest-sitelink/-/ci/editor?branch_name=main having the line` docker-registry.wikimedia.org/nodejs12-devel:latest `suggests its on node 12..? [12:13:43] Or, are we able to see the exact error for that specific job on gitlab ? (re @bthierry23: me too! [12:13:44] What about the node version for the Pipeline jobs environment ?) [12:14:04] @freosam shall we create a task to update it to the current node LTS? [12:14:20] no, it's failing on `git status | grep "nothing to commit, working tree clean"` isn't it? i.e. there's modified files [12:14:53] yes (unless differing node versions are building things different.... which would be fun..) (re @freosam: no, it's failing on git status | grep "nothing to commit, working tree clean" isn't it? i.e. there's modified files) [12:15:35] I think that's what's happening, e.g. `_toPropertyKey(arg)` used to be `_toPropertyKey(t)` [12:15:45] no, I mean vice versa! [12:17:16] Should i run `npm ci` ? I did not run it ! 🤨 [12:17:53] I have created https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T360248, I can do that once I figure out what versions of node are available as runner images for CI (re @TheresNoTime: @freosam shall we create a task to update it to the current node LTS?) [12:18:06] I am trying to reproduce these commands : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/21b88bd6/file_58774.jpg [12:19:08] You do not need to run `npm ci` locally :) only `npm install` instead [12:19:24] https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v10/commands/npm-ci [12:19:28] oh yeah, true. But if you're on a different Node version then `install` might change the lock file [12:35:19] This is the command that exit with code 1 : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/292945a6/file_58775.jpg [12:35:48] Any idea what could be the problem ? (re @bthierry23: This is the command that exit with code 1) [12:36:57] It's definitely the fact there's a difference between the committed built files and when it has built, which I think is a node version issue. I'm just working on updating it if I can :) [12:38:33] OK, good ! Locally i use node 20.11 [12:51:47] Looks like it might have to be node 18.19.1 as that appears to be the latest version supported by our gitlab CI runners (that I could find) — created https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/commtech/autosuggest-sitelink/-/merge_requests/46 cc @freosam [13:40:40] @freosam , i am waiting for this to be merged ! (re @TheresNoTime: Looks like it might have to be node 18.19.1 as that appears to be the latest version supported by our gitlab CI runners (that I ...) [13:41:45] Merged! [14:01:07] @Delord_wayire Hi! Where you able to install the UrlShortener extension in your wiki project? Do you have a wiki instance set up so you can add the extension? [14:34:33] Now, the fail comes from eslint ! [14:34:34] [14:34:35] I have already run `npm run fix` and `npm run test` in my local ! (re @bthierry23: @freosam , i am waiting for this to be merged !) [14:59:54] Have you pulled the latest changes and done `npm install`? The eslint rules updated I think (re @bthierry23: Now, the fail comes from eslint ! [14:59:55] [14:59:56] I have already run npm run fix and npm run test in my local !) [15:28:40] I didn't do npm install! [15:28:41] [15:28:43] I am going to do it right now! (re @TheresNoTime: Have you pulled the latest changes and done npm install? The eslint rules updated I think) [15:33:09] Hello all! Welcome to Day 2 of Wishathon! I am sharing details about the two upcoming sessions below.The first session will be an overview and discussion on the Future of the Wishlist and will start in 30 minutes. Then there will be a piano concert hosted on Twitch after this session 🎹 [15:33:18] Coming up at #wikimediawishathon [15:33:19] 🕰️ 16:00 UTC [15:33:20] [15:33:22] Overview and discussion on the Future of the Wishlist, User:JWheeler-WMF [15:33:23] 📍 Meet link: meet.google.com/rjq-mxde-kys [15:33:25] 📝 Etherpad: [15:33:26] https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/wishathon-march-2024-fotw-session [15:33:44] Coming up at #wikimediawishathon [15:33:44] 🕰️ 17:00 UTC [15:33:46] [15:33:47] Piano concert by User:Lucas Werkmeister on Twitch [15:33:49] 📍 Meet link: https://www.twitch.tv/lucaswerkmeister [15:49:31] For folks interested in presenting at one of the project showcase sessions tomorrow, here is a link to the showcase slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Z_edgEHaESxp72PcN4kj_mEgbcft0_L8-eebBjyja0o/edit?usp=sharing and some "Tips for showcase participants" in the Etherpad https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/wishathon-march-2024-showcase. Work in progress projects are welcome :) [15:59:16] We are starting the future of the wishlist session now! (re @srishakatux: Coming up at #wikimediawishathon [15:59:17] 🕰️ 16:00 UTC [15:59:19] [15:59:20] Overview and discussion on the Future of the Wishlist, User:JWheeler-WMF [15:59:22] 📍 Meet ...) [16:04:31] Here is a link to join the overview and discussion on the future of the wishlist session: https://meet.google.com/rjq-mxde-kys. Running now! [16:06:29] Now, it is ready @TheresNoTime : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/ca744a62/file_58782.jpg [16:12:40] Merged! Great work @bthierry23! [16:12:57] Thank you @TheresNoTime ! (re @TheresNoTime: Merged! Great work @bthierry23!) [16:51:11] I just realized a slight problem with my concert… I’m planning to end on a particular piece, but I never measured how long it takes me to play it, so it’ll be a bit tricky to end on time 😅 (re @srishakatux: Coming up at #wikimediawishathon [16:51:11] 🕰️ 17:00 UTC [16:51:13] [16:51:14] Piano concert by User:Lucas Werkmeister on Twitch [16:51:16] 📍 Meet link: https://www.twitc...) [16:53:52] That should be okay, as it's hosted outside of our usual venue. So no urgency to end on time :) (re @lucaswerkmeister: I just realized a slight problem with my concert… I’m planning to end on a particular piece, but I never measured how long it ta...) [17:00:25] Come watch Lucas play piano here https://www.twitch.tv/lucaswerkmeister now 🎹 🥳 [17:33:54] Nice math-themed songs are being played by Lucas, and currently a maple leaf themed song is in progress. We are halfway through the piano concert. Come join us 🥳 (re @srishakatux: Come watch Lucas play piano here https://www.twitch.tv/lucaswerkmeister now 🎹 🥳) [18:03:34] Transitioning from concert mode back to hacking mode, we're now in the second office hour of the day. If you have any technical questions, join us via the following link: https://meet.google.com/rjq-mxde-kys [18:06:01] @Abelidoko0 is still not able to post in the group. Could we get some leads from folks in this channel to address the issue? (re @bd808: @Abelidoko0 Are you still having trouble posting messages to this room? @srishakatux poked me to see if I could help, but I'm no...) [18:30:22] Good evening everyone, [18:30:23] [18:30:25] I'm new to the Wikimedia environment and currently working on the issue: 'Provide custom filename for downloading QR code image'. Detailed instructions regarding my solution can be found in the following video: [18:30:26] [18:30:28] I would appreciate any feedback or guidance on how to proceed. [18:30:29] [18:30:31] Thank you [20:08:20] Hi @bd808 your magical touch is required on this request https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:OAuthListConsumers/view/c29292c54acfe42dc707765c1b75236a #Wishathon [20:10:17] {{done}} [20:12:49] @gopavasanth I am hours away from a laptop, so you’ll need to find another approver. [20:13:40] Np, Taavi made it :) (re @bd808: @gopavasanth I am hours away from a laptop, so you’ll need to find another approver.)