[01:06:57] 👋 [08:14:43] For the ferry from Tallinn🇪🇪 to Helsinki🇫🇮, are most people travelling Sunday evening (5 May) or Monday morning (6 May)? I'm leaning towards travelling on Sunday evening. I need to decide so I can book a place to stay on Sunday night. [08:22:46] I think monday morning because scholars have the hotel booked also on Sunday (re @EdwardBetts: For the ferry from Tallinn🇪🇪 to Helsinki🇫🇮, are most people travelling Sunday evening (5 May) or Monday morning (6 May)? I'm lea...) [08:31:38] Uf. I forgot to buy my ferry tickets 🤦‍♂ [08:32:34] Is it advisable to buy the ticket in advance or can we just buy it at the moment? @Susannaanas [08:34:52] Anyone from poland here? [08:39:57] I and Maarten have tickets for the Sunday evening 19:30 one. With buffet. : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/036c6192/file_59295.jpg [08:45:36] I'm taking one home on monday [09:37:56] I don't have a good insight on availability, but I advise to take the Viking Line instead of Tallink. The terminal is closer to the venue, as the ferry arrives only a short while before the event starts. I have added a link to the reservations (https://www.sales.vikingline.com/ferry/eng/en/select-ferry/?searchParams=eyJhIjoiT05FIiwiYiI6IjIwMjQtMDUtMDYiLCJjIjoiIiwiZCI6IlRBTCIsImUi [09:37:57] OiJIRUwiLCJmIjoiIiwiZyI6IiIsImgiOjEsImkiOltdLCJqIjoyLCJrIjpbXSwibCI6ZmFsc2UsIm0iOnsiQURVTFQiOltdLCJZT1VUSCI6W10sIkNISUxEIjpbXSwiSU5GQU5UIjpbXX0sIm4iOnsiQURVTFQiOltdLCJZT1VUSCI6W10sIkNISUxEIjpbXSwiSU5GQU5UIjpbXX0sIm8iOmZhbHNlLCJwIjp7ImNvZGUiOiJOT05FIiwicXVhbnRpdHkiOjF9LCJxIjp7ImNvZGUiOiJOT05FIiwicXVhbnRpdHkiOjF9LCJyIjpmYWxzZSwicyI6Ik5PTkUiLCJ0IjoiIn0=&onewayReturn=return&returnDat [09:37:59] e=2024-05-06&numberOfAdultsReturn=1&numberOfChildrenReturn=0&childrenAgeReturn=0&&relayQuery=true) on the practicalities (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/AI_Sauna/Practicalities) page. [09:38:00] [09:38:02] Please make sure to register (https://okf.fi/aihack-register). We are not yet reaching the upper limit of participants, but that could potentially happen. And of course, for us as organizers, it gives important information for preparations. I don't think we could turn people away if they already came that far 😃 Also, if you could not join after all, please cancel. (re @ferdi20 [09:38:03] 05: Is it advisable to buy the ticket in advance or can we just buy it at the moment? @Susannaanas)