[00:43:32] There is a link to a seperate Telegram group in the phabricator if you want to join it. Someone has already started building frontend mockups ^^ (re @waldyrious: I'd be interested! So if anyone else is up for joining forces, let me know! Otherwise I'll likely tackle other projects I alread...) [06:40:01] I'm already in there 😄 (re @kristbaum: There is a link to a seperate Telegram group in the phabricator if you want to join it. Someone has already started building fro...) [11:20:21] My brain on no sleep.. :D (re @waldyrious: I'm already in there 😄) [16:12:00] I wanna work on this project for the hackathon (re @waldyrious: I'd be interested! So if anyone else is up for joining forces, let me know! Otherwise I'll likely tackle other projects I alread...) [16:12:23] Please share the link to join (re @kristbaum: There is a link to a seperate Telegram group in the phabricator if you want to join it. Someone has already started building fro...) [16:34:14] https://t.me/+tMgoJxx8D7I5NTQ8 (re @Jatinder_Mahajan: Please share the link to join)