[00:50:27] Do you want to add an image to a wiki article? [04:23:17] @Kuldeepburjbhalaike no, how to install the wiki database in a web server? easily [11:37:02] Is there a Toolsadmin administrator here? I would like to add "Reda benkhadra" as a maintainer for a tool, but his account is not confirmed yet. [12:22:17] I don’t see a request for that username (nor anything that looks similar) (re @Ideophagous: Is there a Toolsadmin administrator here? I would like to add "Reda benkhadra" as a maintainer for a tool, but his account is no...) [12:26:01] what’s their wikitech username? [12:54:17] Same "Reda benkhadra" (re @lucaswerkmeister: what’s their wikitech username?) [12:54:48] does he need to make a request on Phabricator? [13:32:42] I’ve approved it now [13:33:10] next time please only ask for approval *after* the account has been created, because if I’m reading https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Log/Reda_benkhadra correctly it was only registered half an hour after your message :P [13:34:58] Thank you Lucas! He told me he had an account already, which is why I made the request. [13:37:26] alright ^^ [17:21:48] I'm back on Telegram 🎉 my account was recovered after 7 days. But I need your help. For some reasons, I cannot find anymore any picture uploaded by me, on this group, during the week-end. My messages were like [17:21:49] "Now, in Room AAA, starting the talk BBB by CCC, [photo] Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 by User:Valerio Bozzolan". [17:21:50] There is even a proof, about that ↑ from the wikilink bot. [17:21:52] It seems, to me, that somebody decided to bulk-delete all my pictures from this group. May I ask, why? 🤔 (re @wikilinksbot: [[User:Valerio_Bozzolan]]) [17:24:24] I’d assume this happened automatically as part of account deletion because of 6 months inactivity? (re @bozzy: I'm back on Telegram 🎉 my account was recovered after 7 days. But I need your help. For some reasons, I cannot find anymore any ...) [17:25:59] Interesting hypothesis 🤔 but no. Fate wanted to disconnect me for days, not months. I have a kind of 800+ conversations in different groups and all my stuff is there. [17:25:59] My pictures were just deleted from here, I think. (re @siebrand: I’d assume this happened automatically as part of account deletion because of 6 months inactivity?) [17:30:28] I see 800+ media files in the history of this group. No idea what happened. I’m not aware of admins deleting media files without issues. (re @bozzy: Interesting hypothesis 🤔 but no. Fate wanted to disconnect me for days, not months. I have a kind of 800+ conversations in diffe...) [17:33:50] For what did you had to recover your Telegram account? [17:34:29] Boozy pic (re @bozzy: Serious business meeting here) [17:35:29] I see 50 or so bozzy messages in the history [17:37:12] This channel is bridged to IRC so I suppose people have full logs over there (re @bozzy: I'm back on Telegram 🎉 my account was recovered after 7 days. But I need your help. For some reasons, I cannot find anymore any ...) [17:38:47] I absolutely don't know. [17:38:47] First, all my devices were disconnected from Telegram at the same time, as soon as I get to the event. The same night, a friend of mine gets mugged. Then, another badly hit in face. Then, my wmhack 2024 photo evidences on Telegram disappears. [17:38:49] I have no answers. Too much entropy. (re @sjoerddebruin: For what did you had to recover your Telegram account?) [17:38:50] @bozzy since you joined December 2020, you posted a few images. I’ll forward all of those those in PM. In total you posted about 52 messages [17:51:58] Some 18 messages from bozzy during the Tallinn hackathon can be seen on IRC logs but not on Telegram: https://wm-bot.wmcloud.org/browser/index.php?start=05%2F02%2F2024&end=05%2F04%2F2024&display=%23wikimedia-hackathon (re @tuukkahastrup: This channel is bridged to IRC so I suppose people have full logs over there) [17:58:18] Thanks 🙏 So I'm not crazy. [17:58:19] Now, there is the question of why they were eliminated from this side. [17:58:20] I think I will never get an answer, because Telegram only logs these things for 24 hours, I think. (re @tuukkahastrup: Some 18 messages from bozzy during the Tallinn hackathon can be seen on IRC logs but not on Telegram: https://wm-bot.wmcloud.org...) [18:11:17] 💡Hello, do you know how to add the wikidata links? on a wiki? like in the image to link an article? do you know the steps ? : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/2689ed45/file_60720.jpg [18:57:43] bridged media is deleted after a while though, so don't rely on that too much (re @tuukkahastrup: This channel is bridged to IRC so I suppose people have full logs over there) [19:06:31] Also, the links in the logs contain only the first 8 characters of the sha1sum of the content, so even if @bozzy downloads a copy of the files, I think he cannot reliably later prove those were the images he posted (re @lucaswerkmeister: bridged media is deleted after a while though, so don't rely on that too much) [20:04:52] I've been trying out the SPARQL approach to this, and ended up at a state where I'm now doubting my basic understanding of SPARQL 😵‍💫. What is essentially a "hello world" query is returning zero results and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong: https://w.wiki/A4NZ [20:04:53] I wonder if it's somehow a hardcoded too-expensive query that is immediately failed? (re @Nikki: I've never used the ability to search qualifiers so I can't help much there, but depending on what you want to do, maybe sparql ...) [20:07:17] because Commons structured data and Wikidata are two separate stores of information, query federation is necessary to get the second line to work: see the 'subclasses of roses' example query (re @waldyrious: I've been trying out the SPARQL approach to this, and ended up at a state where I'm now doubting my basic understanding of SPARQ...) [20:08:52] Oh! Thanks, it was breaking my brain 😅 [20:14:54] I think it was the fact that you can directly use wd:Q... in non-federated queries that was tripping me up. Is that a convenience shortcut or am I misunderstanding how query federation works? [20:15:37] wd:Q... is just a URL [20:15:58] The "wd:" prefix simply means that an entity on wikidata.org is being referred to, not that anything else about the entity is immediately available [20:18:02] SDC has statements of the form "?file wdt:P180 ?human" because it says something about a file [20:18:57] while Wikidata has statements of the form "?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5" (not related to a file but between two Wikidata items) [20:19:41] I don't know if you can run that federated query as it would first need to list all humans found in Wikidata [20:21:47] Like this query, but I get a query timeout: https://w.wiki/A4Nt [20:22:22] Hmm, I see, so the crucial part here is the triples relating entities together, regardless of where the entities are stored... I guess that makes sense. [20:24:34] Yes, for query purposes, it's a question of where the triples are stored. [20:25:26] You could load the sum of Wikidata and SDC into a QLever instance and then query that store without need for federation