[10:27:04] That’s during the main conference. Than we would miss either. (re @Wojciech: We have a space for the hackathon to happen, a room combined of 3 smaller rooms, available on the 8-10 August) [10:29:01] Booooooh. (re @Amanda: Hullo all! I'm working with the COT on the technical track for Wikimania. The focus of the technical track is connecting techn...) [10:31:04] (re @MaartenDammers: ) [10:32:57] Why not both? In Singapore there was a more focused pre-event, and hacking rooms throughout the conference. [10:34:08] Yeah this is the model that worked for years and I don't think there is a problem with it (re @gtisza: Why not both? In Singapore there was a more focused pre-event, and hacking rooms throughout the conference.) [10:34:30] Seconding this. I think it worked well, and allowed for more mingling between tech and non-tech folks. (re @gtisza: Why not both? In Singapore there was a more focused pre-event, and hacking rooms throughout the conference.) [10:35:11] (Unless there is a problem with venue to be able to accommodate at least one dedicated hacking room for the whole event, but that should be considered before picking the venue 😛) [10:36:21] For semi-tech and non-tech blended people like me, your opinion is appealing (re @gtisza: Why not both? In Singapore there was a more focused pre-event, and hacking rooms throughout the conference.) [10:36:38] I’m a not-very-tech user [10:37:14] In the 8 (?) Wikimania’s I attended it was always pre-conference. Sometimes we did have a hacking space during the event. (re @Thecladis: Yeah this is the model that worked for years and I don't think there is a problem with it) [10:38:50] Yeah for me having a hacking space is the continuation of the hackathon. Even if it is after the official closure, it does not matter. What matters if you can pop up there at 3 am after a main conference day and find someone like Legoktm there who would be super helpful to answer your questions [11:10:53] Singapore had a very official parallel hackathon. The showcase was on Sunday. It was an innovation, that IMO worked very well. (re @MaartenDammers: In the 8 (?) Wikimania’s I attended it was always pre-conference. Sometimes we did have a hacking space during the event.) [11:20:02] Yes, but it started with two full days of hacking before the opening ceremony. https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2023:Hackathon/Schedule (re @gtisza: Singapore had a very official parallel hackathon. The showcase was on Sunday. It was an innovation, that IMO worked very well.) [13:17:20] Do we have any tools to see whether a title exists across all Wikimedia network? [13:18:13] Some titles worth a redirect almost everywhere: they’re used across many many languages [13:19:10] https://global-search.toolforge.org/ (re @cvictorovich: Do we have any tools to see whether a title exists across all Wikimedia network?) [13:20:49] An example: יהוה (re @cvictorovich: Some titles worth a redirect almost everywhere: they’re used across many many languages) [13:21:02] Redirect to “Tetragrammaton” [13:22:31] But I don’t need to care about page contents (re @nerim4n: https://global-search.toolforge.org/) [13:22:50] I only need to care about whether a title exists [13:25:42] Also, it seems not working with special characters like Hebrew [13:33:07] https://global-search.toolforge.org/?q=.*®ex=&namespaces=&title=BWV%28.*%29 [13:33:56] I intend to match everything starting with "BWV", regardless of title, and nothing returned [13:41:00] You didn't chose "Regular expression" [13:43:27] https://global-search.toolforge.org/?q=.*®ex=1&namespaces=0&title=%D7%99%D7%94%D7%95%D7%94%28.*%29 (re @cvictorovich: Also, it seems not working with special characters like Hebrew) [13:44:37] Ah many thanks, what an idiot I am! [13:45:30] Are redirects automatically included in results? [13:45:54] The very pages I'm looking for are redirects