[10:15:54] Heads-up to anyone who got a scholarship to attend the hackathon in Tallinn — the expense reimbursement form submission's deadline is in a couple days, and the process is a bit tricky to figure out, so don't leave it to the last minute (like I was well on my way to do! 🫣) [23:03:02] Hi [23:03:13] :)) [23:11:30] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki [23:11:48] I help You [23:13:20] you can speak another language if that's better for you. (re @Mm23Tx: I help You) [23:13:36] Yes [23:14:17] We make a deal [23:14:32] You hack me 4 monts [23:14:44] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/6e794f56/file_61440_tgs.webp