[07:38:18] Do we have a tool or a way to see which was article had the highest views on a day? We might have a record on svwiki yesterday, but I would like to verify if there was a higher count sometime earlier (without checking each day in history manually). [08:21:38] This is a very interesting one @Jan_ainali. If there’s none it might be a good idea to work on. (re @Jan_ainali: Do we have a tool or a way to see which was article had the highest views on a day? We might have a record on svwiki yesterday, ...) [08:22:38] (One user did do manual digging to find out that in 2021 there was a higher view count, so no record yesterday.) [08:23:40] However, the question then is, was that article in 2021 the highest one? The quest continues :) [08:45:22] I feel like it must exist in some form, since the Android Wikipedia app has a "top read" list on its front page… : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/728c6271/file_61446.jpg [10:29:44] Sounds a lot like Topviews, but perhaps you'd want the rank as a column or as a filter, so that you can get e.g. the up to 365 pages that were the highest viewed at least on one day in a given year? If you choose a date and a wiki, Topviews shows the top ranks: https://pageviews.wmcloud.org/topviews/?project=sv.wikipedia.org&date=2021-01-01 (re @Jan_ainali: [10:29:44] However, the question [10:29:44] then is, was that article in 2021 the highest one? The quest continues :)) [10:36:29] That helps in the sense that I only have to flip through all years. I am looking for a top-topviews :) [12:09:47] I did create https://codepen.io/Krinkle/full/wKOMMN a while ago, which works for any wiki, any data, including whole months. (re @Jan_ainali: Do we have a tool or a way to see which was article had the highest views on a day? We might have a record on svwiki yesterday, ...) [12:37:58] I want the other way around, ie. to get to know which date the number one had most views (and which article it was) (re @Krinkle24: I did create https://codepen.io/Krinkle/full/wKOMMN a while ago, which works for any wiki, any date, including whole months.) [16:15:00] This exists but would seem to be manually compiled: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Top_25_Report/Records [18:31:21] Is this what you are looking for? https://top.hatnote.com/sv/wikipedia/2024/6/4.html (re @Jan_ainali: Do we have a tool or a way to see which was article had the highest views on a day? We might have a record on svwiki yesterday, ...) [18:32:01] Code: https://github.com/hatnote/top (re @Jan_ainali: Do we have a tool or a way to see which was article had the highest views on a day? We might have a record on svwiki yesterday, ...) [18:47:18] Not really. I am looking for something that compares all dates. (re @fuzheado: Is this what you are looking for? https://top.hatnote.com/sv/wikipedia/2024/6/4.html) [19:00:30] Maybe I'm not understanding the question or it needs refactoring? [19:00:30] "Do we have a tool or a way to see which was article had the highest views on a day?" (re @Jan_ainali: Not really. I am looking for something that compares all dates.) [19:02:07] I'm also somewhat curious as to whether an AI code generator might produce a script/code snippet to do this via our APIs :) [19:04:11] If you're talking about making a calendar that shows what was the most viewed article on each of those days, there was this Quartz article that illustrated this: [19:04:11] https://qz.com/2096606/the-most-popular-wikipedia-page-for-every-day-in-2021 (re @Jan_ainali: Not really. I am looking for something that compares all dates.) [19:04:26] It would be easy if we had access to db replicas of the tools [20:09:18] The highest view in a day out of all days. (re @fuzheado: Maybe I'm not understanding the question or it needs refactoring? [20:09:18] "Do we have a tool or a way to see which was article had the ...) [20:11:22] We do these on svwiki too, that is why we wondered. See current https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia%3AMest_visade_artiklar_2024 (re @fuzheado: If you're talking about making a calendar that shows what was the most viewed article on each of those days, there was this Quar...) [20:12:56] how would this be different from finding the tallest bar in something like https://pageviews.wmcloud.org/pageviews/?project=sv.wikipedia.org&platform=all-access&agent=user&redirects=0&start=2024-05-01&end=2024-06-06&pages=Lasse_Berghagen ? (re @Jan_ainali: The highest view in a day out of all days.) [20:19:54] What you have there is the daily history for a single page - not for all pages or daily top #1 pages (re @mahir256: how would this be different from finding the tallest bar in something like https://pageviews.wmcloud.org/pageviews/?project=sv.w...) [20:22:42] it is possible to list in the pageviews tool multiple pages whose view counts should be compared [20:22:42] "for all pages" might take a while to retrieve even when just using the rest api—it may take a little less time when restricted to the daily top pages [20:24:46] Simply fetching the daily top page for the last 10 years would mean 3650 requests with the current APIs