[19:24:55] For the Wikimania Hackathon - it will run concurrently with the rest of the event from Aug 8 to Aug 10. I've created a Phabricator board (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/board/7284/) and added in some initiative areas that we'll have tables setup in the venue and will schedule time where people will be there to talk about those topics. Because of space [19:24:55] limitations, we h [19:24:55] ope to have a couple hours to do lightning talks on August 7th but probably no other Hackathon specific sessions other than the opening ceremony and closing showcase. There will be 3 rooms in which we'll have lots of tables and chairs for those that want to work on their projects and do general hacking during the event. More to be announced in the coming weeks!