[10:50:54] 👨‍🔧 `Hello everybody! do you know how to embed this audio into Mediawiki? trick ? link:` [10:50:54] 1 : goo.su/Nvp0N [10:50:55] 2 : goo.su/LQDNtEH [12:07:14] my local installation, I pulled all the changes in master : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/f246d848/file_62642.jpg [12:09:58] What is the error message [12:31:10] I answered this already last time you asked. Why ask again? (re @HOVY: 👨‍🔧 Hello everybody! do you know how to embed this audio into Mediawiki? trick ? link: [12:31:11] 1 : goo.su/Nvp0N [12:31:12] 2 : goo.su/LQDNtEH) [12:32:11] @HOVY Same as connecting a giraffe and a bike: You'll have to write code so they can interact with each other. :) [12:32:37] Please post complete text as text in a pastebin, so text can be search for - thanks! [12:39:15] https://pastebin.com/9gR1HkhP [12:42:13] Call to undefined method Less_Parser::getParsedFiles() - have you run composer update already? From memory, the less parser is in one of the dependency libraries. [13:08:02] Yep, looks like that's using an old version of wikimedia/less.php. [13:08:03] After "git pull" remember to run "composer update" (or "composer update --no-dev" on live sites) before any other scripts. [13:08:04] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download_from_Git#Fetch_external_libraries (re @nokibsarkar: my local installation, I pulled all the changes in master) [13:09:49] You can also use maintenance/update.php to automatically check whether you need a composer update, but we upgrade composer packages at least once a week so might be easier to do always, depending on how often you do this. [13:10:24] Great. Now it is fixed [19:50:21] tried logging out several times, but no luck : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/2902ab42/file_62665.jpg [19:54:08] now working. idk what happened. [21:12:44] @nokibsarkar: the LDAP lookup gods were angry with you I guess. :(( Glad it worked out eventually.