[09:45:18] Data value corrupt: $timestamp must resemble ISO 8601, given 1985-04-12T23:20:30 [09:52:41] you can see the regex at https://github.com/wmde/Time/blob/a2bc08e5e51f5940de843d43469dd3f727fb1d29/src/DataValues/TimeValue.php#L234 (I think you’re missing `+` at the beginning and `Z` at the end) [09:55:35] Data value corrupt: $timestamp must resemble ISO 8601, given 1985-04-12T23:20:30Z [09:55:47] @lucaswerkmeister [09:56:10] that’s still missing the `+` at the beginning [10:01:55] That's weird - ISO 8601 shouldn't require a + should it? [10:11:55] Sign should be optional, not mandatory [10:58:15] in the wikibase data model, it's always signed, as https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:ListDatatypes#time says. it has to be formatted like iso 8601 but that doesn't mean all valid iso 8601 values are accepted (e.g. it also doesn't let you leave the time/timezone parts out, even though it doesn't support times or timezones) [10:59:08] the error messages could be a lot more helpful though, and not just for this particular case. there's lots of things where it will reject the input as not formatted correctly and then it's a process of trial and error to work out what it actually wants [11:02:33] Yes, the error message could point to that link. But also, the API could accept timestamps as they are normally formatted, and add the plus sign. [11:15:24] that’s what `wbparsevalue` is for [11:15:49] (IMHO) [13:14:36] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/f6c2e2df/file_62961.webp [13:15:34] (I wasn't thinking in the context of the action API but the Wikibase *REST* API, where I think it's more important to try to accept W3C / RFC 3339 format dates so that users don't need to go too deep into Wikibase internals) [20:28:16] If I want to customize the behaviour of the `interwiki button` of mobile version of mediawiki, where should I start? I want thinking of `Extension:MobileFrontend` but have no clue.