[11:53:22] When you're about to give a talk about Commons, upload the PDF, and ... there's a PDF preview outage? https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T376534 [16:19:38] 429 is usually a problem of one IP requesting too many thumbnails. [16:19:39] Since you're in WikiConNA (I assume) and share the same IP range, I think that's what's happening (re @mikepeel: When you're about to give a talk about Commons, upload the PDF, and ... there's a PDF preview outage? https://phabricator.wikime...) [16:20:25] The solution is to someone open the thumbnail via VPN or something. Once it's generated and stored. It should be fine [16:26:28] Thanks. At WikiIndaba (there's also a hackathon here!). Will try from a VPN later, but it wasn't just me finding the issue, others checking online were also pointing it out. [16:28:06] It can be also something along the lines of thumbnail generation getting slow for any reason and as such hitting rate limits more often. I can take a look later. Can you share the link to the pdf here or private? Whatever you prefer [16:29:17] the link's in the phabricator ticket. 🙂 [16:30:48] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WikiIndaba2024_Working_across_Wikis.pdf [16:35:20] Thanks! [16:37:53] FWIW I also couldn’t see a thumbnail on that file (nor on https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:10_years_of_Toolforge.pdf just now) so I don’t think it’s just the event’s IP being rate limited [16:38:22] (after a few reloads it eventually gave me a thumbnail after all) [16:50:15] Yeah. Don't know why it's giving 429. Maybe it tries to load all thumbnails for all pages in parallel [16:50:56] I know proofread does page before and after as "pre-caching" [17:07:44] there's also issues with proofread page... https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T376530