[06:33:31] Does REST API of MediaWiki support write operation [06:46:48] Yes, there are various documented write endpoints. [06:46:49] conveniently there's 2 separate APIs both called the REST API. [06:46:50] one included with mediawiki and one is WMF only. [06:46:52] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:REST_API/Reference#Update_page there's some editing possible in these examples. (re @cvictorovich: Does REST API of MediaWiki support write operation) [06:47:41] But not for Wikidata lexemes? [06:47:57] 🤷 [06:48:28] why not use the other (not REST, original) API? [06:51:09] Action? [06:51:28] I think so [06:51:54] Why OpenRefine / QS etc. cannot write lexemes in batch [06:52:11] There is even libraries around the Action API for Lexemes [06:57:56] What's that (re @Nicolas: There is even libraries around the Action API for Lexemes) [06:58:08] Is it for technical reasons (re @cvictorovich: Why OpenRefine / QS etc. cannot write lexemes in batch) [07:09:20] Can I suggest you try asking the maintainers behinds those tools? They'll have the best understanding of their own tools technical limitations. (re @cvictorovich: Is it for technical reasons) [07:09:45] Would very like to but I may not who to ask [07:23:21] https://forum.openrefine.org is the central discussion place for OpenRefine. There is also an OpenRefine-Wikimedia Telegram channel. [07:23:22] (My guess is that is like why most articles on Wikipedia hasn't been written yet; no one has gotten around to do it. But this is just a guess.) (re @cvictorovich: Would very like to but I may not know who to ask) [07:23:37] I'm in that chat room (re @Jan_ainali: https://forum.openrefine.org is the central discussion place for OpenRefine. There is also an OpenRefine-Wikimedia Telegram grou...) [07:25:24] there is already thread about lexemes, like https://forum.openrefine.org/t/openrefine-support-for-lexemes-in-wikidata-how-would-you-use-this/216 (re @Jan_ainali: https://forum.openrefine.org is the central discussion place for OpenRefine. There is also an OpenRefine-Wikimedia Telegram grou...) [07:26:06] And various gH issues from about 30 seconds of skimming Google.