[09:44:13] https://t.me/u_dex_bot/udex?startapp=shareGame_Dd99YUBnDG-chainId_56-type_swap-route_000EarnXp [09:44:14] πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Welcome to uDEX [13:17:21] What’s Onoi [13:17:38] Wikibase extension requires this dep [13:41:55] I'd presume https://github.com/onoi/shared-resources [13:46:02] Oh, yeah, another one of JeroenDeDauw's libraries. Looking at the composer.json, onoi/message-reporter - https://github.com/onoi/message-reporter [13:46:48] Then install with composer? [13:47:15] They are on packagist, so you can, yes. [14:13:00] I installed DataValues with composer, ran an update on packages, but still it says missing classes related to DV [19:56:43] Hello to everyone πŸ™