[06:40:13] <_joe_> my personal suggestion, if I got what jhathaway is trying to do correctly, would be to create a quite generic networkpolicy template and upload it upstream [06:40:24] <_joe_> s/upload/contribute/ [06:40:44] <_joe_> it's pretty strange that a general purpose chart has no networkpolicy whatsoever [09:59:16] I also wanted to ask how difficult it is to contribute one upstream. It does seem like the best path forward. [13:31:40] _joe_: good idea, I wasn't aware that vendor charts usually included a network policy, I'll look around to see if I can find some examples elsewhere [13:32:04] akosiaris: so far they have accepted both of my small patches without any revisions \o/ [13:34:12] I hope you meant without comments, I hope they reviewed them :D [13:35:26] so do I ;)