[08:28:12] I wonder if ceph is worth it for k8s when https://longhorn.io/docs/1.4.1/what-is-longhorn/ exists [08:28:51] (I know, I know, we're not gonna do it, and I support that decision, I'm just wondering) [09:29:29] ottomata ack. I updated the mw enrichment image [12:59:57] claime interesting! I still like hearing about this tech, even if we're not going to use it ;) [13:37:06] Who's around at KubeCon next week in Amsterdam? :) [13:38:18] one of my friends is working on this stuff https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/speed-containers-podman-raspberry-pi [14:33:57] inflatador: very cool, this is the first I have heard of quadlet, looks neat!