[09:04:36] klausman: elukey: there is a big external-services and PSA related diff for admin_ng on ml prod clusters. As the diff deletes what I think are early versions of external-services cassandra entries, please double check [09:04:57] Will do [09:05:54] I ran deploy for https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T287491 - the certmanager networkpolicy changes that you'll see are safe to deploy [09:05:56] thanks [09:09:01] The cass/ext service changes look fine to me as well. I think I didn't push them after the patch merge because Luca was in the process of switching our services to use k8s api-ro instead of the old non-k8s endpoints, and I wanted to avoid noise/possible sideeffects [09:09:42] Will push them later today (I want to give Luca a heads-up/chance to object). [09:09:46] ack [09:10:12] no rush for the certmanager stuff, I just wanted to avoid unrelated diffs and got some myself :) [09:10:22] Ack. [09:10:39] I generally prefer not to have lingering changes hang around [09:25:46] I also see (on all namespaces) the addition of `metadata.labels.pod-security.kubernetes.io/audit: restricted` I presume this is in the context/as a consequence of T273507 [09:35:34] I'm also going to perform an admin_ng deploy due to a small external-services change related to some analytics mariadb IPs [09:41:38] klausman: I'll let you redeploy the ml servers? The rest is done [09:41:46] yeah, will do [09:51:20] thanks [09:51:33] FYI we will be migrating Toolforge kubernetes to use Kyverno as a replacement for the PSP deprecation. We also considered OPA Gatekeeper, but finally will be using Kyverno. cc jayme [09:52:21] did you document the rationale for Kyverno somewhere? Just out of curiosity [09:52:54] klausman: yeah, that's right (re: namepace labels) [09:53:00] klausman: see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T362233 [09:53:07] arturo: thanks! I'm following your tasks :) [09:53:46] merci! [12:45:27] klausman: not sure if you already done the admin_ng deploy but +1 from me [12:45:36] Ok, will do it then [12:45:50] Just wanted to make sure I'm not stomping on any changes you have [12:46:20] I'll push in codfw first, and if everything is not-explodey, will do eqiad tomorrow morning. [12:54:54] nono all done on my side