[06:18:03] oh, nice to know we aren't the first to experience this [12:57:08] added it to the incident doc and also made a stalled followup task on our side [14:54:22] I've had to "debug" calico network policy recently, aka resolving the service IPs/ports as well as policy selector to pods. I've written this (WIP & crude) script to help https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Brouberol#Link_a_Calico_Network_Policy_to_Pods,_IPs_and_ports [15:10:11] brouberol: haha thanks, grepping calico iptables via cumin was a side quest for me recently [15:11:09] I'm glad it could help! I need to print a phat red warning "Service XXX not found" when the calico policy is linked to a non-existing service [15:11:37] which itself could be prevented by a validation admission controller, I _think_ [15:12:41] and I might just rewrite it to output JSON instead of manlging spaces, but anyway [15:48:44] (done, with --format json) [15:51:16] would it make sense to deploy the helper via puppet to, say, the deployment server? [20:15:53] brouberol please do! You might add something to MOTD as well. The hardest thing about these awesome tools is their discoverability ;)