[10:01:16] Why would kubectl diff ignore on-disk changes to e.g. harts/kserve/templates/networkpolicy.yaml? I've bumped the corresponding chart version, but my edits seem to ahev no effect [10:05:57] klausman: thats usually an if-guard that makes your change not render at all [10:06:14] hm, ok. I'll keep digging [10:09:50] There is something else going on. Even if I check out an older commit from ~days ago, my diff for ml-serve-codfw still shows changes that were only committed yesterday [13:02:30] Is there a way to take an IP:port like and figure out what it is connected to? [13:02:34] in k8s, I mean [13:12:33] depends on what that pair is [13:12:55] if is it a service, get svc or describe svc will tell you the endpoints that power it [13:13:37] if it is a pod IP and you want the mapping to which pod it maps to, get svc -o yaml -A and a bit of grep will do wonders [13:14:53] -o json | jq will also work wonder. and kubectl get -o gotemplate (alongside others) exist if you feel like being punished [13:42:43] that's the thing: I have no idea what it is :) [14:32:58] you can tell from the ip range, no? [14:59:55] Well, I know it's a service IP, yes [15:05:19] "kubectl get svc -A -o wide | grep" then, I'd say [15:17:16] which was empty. But then again, the error I was chasing was about not being able to talk to that ip/port, soooo [15:17:29] But I think thanks to Luca, I have chased down the root cause. [15:19:42] which was? [15:54:38] We were deploying a change that deleted a lot of example data from a configmap, and for some reason the normal helm deployment process fails, instead I edited the configmap, deleting the subkey, and then deployed again [16:23:22] just curious, is it possible to 'dig -x' those IPs from somewhere? Or does calico know anything useful about them? [19:00:47] Yes both pod and svc IPs PTR records are served by coredns. You got to be inside the cluster though, any pod would do though. [19:01:35] It's an interesting small side project to expose this externally and delegate from the core auth servers [20:37:02] is there a way to define a calico NetworkPolicy selector in terms of the podSelector.matchLabels you might put in an original-recipe networking.k8s.io/v1 NetworkPolicy?