[15:07:31] Has anyone played with this? I'm not sure if it's genius or madness https://book.metal3.io/introduction.html [15:09:24] similar but different in that space, there's also talos linux [15:14:10] ooh nice, I'll have to play around with this one too [15:14:41] I haven't actually played with either [15:22:51] I can offer some older Elastic hosts if y'all think it is worth playing with either one. The more stuff we have on Kubernetes, the more something like this seems viable in our env. Or at least worth a look [16:19:21] metal3 relies on Ironic and we did try Ironic in the past and then ended up rejecting it fwiw [16:19:31] it was like 1 decade ago, so things might be different [16:20:01] I 've played around with talos linux fwiw. It feels alien-ish yet to me [16:20:10] trying to overcome that feeling for now [16:22:47] When searching for answers to some of our UEFI + Redfish + Supermicro woes, I often end up reading Ironic bug reports, which is perhaps ironic! [16:24:13] 🥁 [16:50:12] We had a pretty reliable Ironic footprint at an old job...but same caveats apply, that was ~6 years ago [21:15:08] The ironic experiments in Cloud VPS were so long ago as to be a pretty useless data point. -- https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Portal:Cloud_VPS/Bare_Metal [21:17:08] "We agreed as a team (coren/andrew/yuvi/chase)" is a good sign of how long ago. andrewbogott is the only one left around. [21:18:31] Chase did a big survey and couldn't find any actual use cases for ironic -- most of the people who said they wanted it turned out to actually just want disk space. [21:18:54] Lots of DCs use ironic though, we didn't discard ironic because of doubts about ironic itself [21:19:18] it looks like the problem with Ironic was mostly lack of already having done the work for Neutron? [21:19:21] it was mostly impossible pre-neutron as I recall [21:19:52] cdanis: jinx :) [21:21:31] The absolute worst thing about nova-network was that it was the cause of my becoming a manager again when Victoria approved forming WMCS. Chase's brain was needed for Neutron; I was a sacrifice to the management cult to make that happen. [21:22:45] for what it's worth: I'm strongly in favor of /some/ kind of automated undercloud, but any plans we've ever formed around that have gotten killed off one way or another. [21:40:47] how many hosts would we need for a meaningful evaluation? I've got 6 Elastic hosts that I'm about to replace