[10:29:18] brouberol: What is the source of the call to stats.wikimedia.org? Is it a DAG? Maybe there is a chance to bypass it, since that service (https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data_Platform/Systems/Wikistats_2) is really a front-end for https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data_Platform/AQS [10:36:55] sorry, I made a mistake. It's analytics.wikimedia.org that's being called, not stats.wikimedia.org [10:37:48] however, this is proxied to analytics-web.discovery.wmnet, aka the same CNAME pointing to an-web1001.eqiad.wmnet [10:39:54] and we seem to be using these URLs to download ML models. However that whole conversation might be moot, as _I think_ the models are downloaded on YARN, by the spark application [11:05:54] Ah thanks. Yes, that makes some sense. [11:13:04] which is why it already works on dse-k8s/airflow-research right now [11:13:09] so, nothing to do [14:01:18] brouberol: btullis: thanks for the reviews on the ceph stuff! I'm merging the puppet patch now and will probably do the admin_ng helmfile deploy later today, or around this time tomorrow, whichever you prefer [14:03:56] for sure! Ping us if you need assistance [14:05:50] cdanis: Cool. Either time is fine for me. [14:06:10] thanks <3 [14:06:42] puppet patch applied fine on cephosd1001, shows a new ceph::auth::keyring for the user [14:06:52] afk for a bit for breakfast [16:53:44] This reminds me why external_services was a good idea :D https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/operations/deployment-charts/+/d1278d9a8dad1273dd72b5413c1c346d0e86690d/helmfile.d/dse-k8s-services/_airflow_common_/values-dse-k8s-eqiad.yaml#45