[08:51:59] jayme: o/ [08:52:18] I noticed https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/deployment-charts/+/1123006, do I need to change anything when running helmfile on admin_ng? [08:52:47] root@deploy2002:/srv/deployment-charts/helmfile.d/admin_ng# helmfile -e codfw -l name=knative-serving diff --context=5 [08:52:50] in ./helmfile.yaml: failed to read helmfile.yaml: reading document at index 1: yaml: unmarshal errors: line 11: field kubeVersion not found in type state.HelmState [08:53:27] (I used "codfw" to test other values but it does the same for all clusters) [08:55:04] elukey: yeah...gimme a sec [08:55:29] or better...wait what?! [08:55:56] ah, kubeVersion...dammit...ofc the old helmfile can't deal with that. [08:56:20] ah right it is not kubernetesVersion, I got fooled as well [08:56:22] elukey: do you have a minute or two? I would go and update helmfile and helm-diff then on deploy2002 [08:56:38] jayme: no hurry, I was just puzzled and I noticed your commit [08:57:21] it's required (for CI) to tell helmfile what k8s version to lint against..or better: make helmfile tell helm which version to lint against [08:57:49] seems like older helmfile versions don't simply ignore the key [08:58:46] elukey: I'll update helm-diff and helmfile on deploy2002, so some (limited) testing and will ping you after [08:59:51] actually...I'll do the package upgrade on 1003 to be less disruptive. Only admin_ng is affected by this [09:03:33] * elukey nods [09:09:56] elukey: did you expect a diff? [09:10:05] in knative-serving I mean? [09:15:41] for ml-serve-codfw yes [09:16:14] ah, your command is for codfw :) [09:16:18] you tricked me [09:17:25] I now see a chart version bump (0.2.33 to 0.2.34) in the diff, but nothing else [09:18:53] also some new warnings I have not looked into yet. helmfile seems to have changed things around enabling/disabling releases. It seems to not have an impact apart from the warning AFAICT, but will try to resolve those ofc [09:20:00] elukey: feel free to deploy from deploy1003 if you feel brave [09:35:28] jayme: worked :) [09:35:38] nice [09:38:54] I'll do ml-serve-codfw as well from there [11:01:27] cool. I've updated helmfile on deploy2002 as well now [11:03:18] <3