[07:08:18] good morning! [07:27:44] * elukey bbiab [09:57:08] early lunch break today, need to run errand, be back later! [13:54:58] configuring istio ingress for tls is a little weird [13:55:09] I hoped it was more straightforward [14:00:20] my impression is that the istio gateway acts only a TCP load balancer, leaving to the target pods (in our case, kfserving/knative) the responsibility to terminate TLS [14:00:48] meanwhile I'd like to terminate https at the gateway, and proxy to the rest [14:01:44] from https://istio.io/latest/docs/tasks/traffic-management/ingress/secure-ingress/ it seems possible [14:02:38] but I can't find a way to "translate" that into what we use with istioctl, namely the install.istio.io/v1alpha1 API (IstioOperator) [14:02:43] weird [14:02:48] coffee :) [14:37:10] so this is interesting: https://istio.io/latest/docs/reference/config/networking/gateway/#Server [14:38:03] a gateway can act as L4 or L7 (so tcp vs https or http) but it seems that the IstioOperator configs don't mention this use case [14:38:58] that is https://istio.io/latest/docs/reference/config/istio.operator.v1alpha1/ [18:22:17] * elukey afk!