[08:56:16] today I bought Istio in action from Manning, a lot of good points came up [08:56:27] for example commands like [08:56:28] istioctl-1.9.5 -n istio-system proxy-config listener deploy/istio-ingressgateway [08:56:35] ADDRESS PORT MATCH DESTINATION [08:56:35] 8080 ALL Route: http.80 [08:56:35] 8081 ALL Route: http.8081 [08:56:35] 15021 ALL Inline Route: /healthz/ready* [08:56:35] 15090 ALL Inline Route: /stats/prometheus* [08:57:30] there is also a "route" one that explains how ingress is configured, and in my minikube setup it seems full of kfserving virtual services [08:57:57] for the enwiki-goodfaith I count 34 configs [08:58:15] for port 80 and 8081 [08:59:18] so the missing link, for the moment, is to instruct the ingress gateway to only listen to https traffic, and then to proxy it via http to kfserving's pods [09:05:25] ahhhh wait it is knative! [09:05:53] the net-istio config [09:08:44] it defines gateways in there [09:08:55] and we'll probably need to set https only in there [09:08:58] with the TLS certs [09:09:04] so, to summarize [09:09:13] 1) istioctl bare minimum config for knative [09:09:40] 2) knative net istio more specific configs (istio gateway + virtualhosts/routes etc..) [13:28:47] istio 1.9.5 images published :) [14:32:14] we got also the +1 for the initial istio-custom config in deployment-charts [14:32:32] I need to review how knative assigns ports though, since the two things will need to be in sync [14:32:37] in theory [17:40:32] https://engineering.linkedin.com/blog/2020/open-sourcing-kube2hadoop [18:37:57] whoa just heard about the ORES explorer: https://www.xinrany.com/ores-explorer [18:38:32] super interested in how they are generating model cards on the fly [18:40:48] maybe we can integrate/port some this into Lift Wing [19:06:21] Whoa! How have I never heard of this [19:06:28] We should reach out, I'd love to chat [19:49:58] It was part of the first talk at this month's WMF showcase [19:50:01] video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USSBuwebWt4 [19:50:12] *WMF research showcase [19:50:43] (also my talk about ML Model Governance is the 2nd one on that video)