[09:45:46] bootstrapped a simple istio egress gateway on ml-serve-eqiad [09:46:14] for the moment I had to config a new entry in the istio config.yaml (applied manually from deploy1002 in my home dir) [09:46:24] and I had to allow traffic from istiod -> ingress [09:46:52] I read https://istio.io/latest/blog/2020/proxying-legacy-services-using-egress-gateways/, that is not our use case but it is interesting [10:14:31] it is not super straightforward how to configure it and and how it should work in a scenario like ours, without a mesh [11:07:32] so something is working [11:08:02] with a little config I was able to make localhost:8080 Host: api-ro.discovery.wmnet to be proxied throught the egress gw [11:08:16] but of course this is not ok, I'd need to set something like [11:09:02] locahost:8080 'en.wikipedia.org' --proxied--> api-ro.discovery.wmnet Host: en.wikipedia.org' [11:09:22] that doesn't seem impossible but I hope it doesn't take 100 lines of yaml [11:16:05] ok so something is working! [11:22:09] going to lunch, will keep going later on [17:07:23] 10Lift-Wing, 10Machine-Learning-Team (Active Tasks): Add an envoy proxy sidecar to Kserve inference pods - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T294414 (10elukey) With the following I was able to have something almost working: ` apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: ServiceEntry metadata: name: https-... [17:11:45] 10Lift-Wing, 10Machine-Learning-Team (Active Tasks): Add an envoy proxy sidecar to Kserve inference pods - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T294414 (10elukey) The above still doesn't work with TLS, and some more work needs to be done, but it is nice that each egress gateway (set of) pod(s) has a k8s service i...