[15:16:14] o/ [15:47:04] ok i think i got the editquality image kserve upgrade actually figured out, running the jenkins pipeline again [15:50:47] yup we're good! [15:54:22] Nice work! [15:58:20] thx :) [16:42:53] niiiice! [17:21:04] hah now debugging pickle issues on the upgraded articlequality image [17:23:51] oh it's because i updated the revscoring version from 2.8.2 to 2.11.1 [17:36:23] I'll admit using pickle for this stuff makes me anxious [17:36:33] but that is a future problem, not a current problem [17:36:43] well actually it is apparently a current problem, you just solved it [17:48:37] yeah im trying to remember how other frameworks handle model persistance [17:48:54] i think sklearn might use pickle too