[10:24:28] Alrigh, hosts restarted in eqiad [10:25:20] Some models are crashlooping on init ({fa,fr,ko,sq}wiki-goodfaith-predictor-default), but I haven't yet figured out why [10:25:49] Something with mounting the model dir from s3, I think. /usr/bin/storage-initializer-entrypoint takes a long time and then eventually times out. [10:28:37] what's a bit odd is that there are e.g. multiple kowiki gf-p-def pods [10:29:05] One set is running, the other is crashlooping [10:30:02] While there is e.g. only one set running for enwiki-goodfaith-predictor-default [11:42:56] <- Lunch [11:45:33] aiko: I LGTM'd/+2'd the two articlequality changes. Let me know if-and-when I should also merge them [12:02:56] nvm, it's submitted :) [12:03:08] I keep forgetting that the d-c repo does automerges [12:03:18] klausman: Thanks for the code review! I saw the change has been merged. I think that should unblock Kevin for deploying articlequality models. :) [12:04:40] thank you both ... this will definitely enable me run the deploys [14:13:35] Morning all! [15:04:41] \o [16:48:23] Alright, I'm heading into the weekend. HAve a quiet rest-of-Friday and a great weekend, everyone [17:27:42] Have a great weekend klausman!