[12:26:13] mx2002 is a new bullseye host to test an MX on bullseye and it's also the first bullseye host to use mtail [12:26:40] class mtail sets 3.0.0~rc35-3+wmf3 as the same version on stretch/buster [12:26:59] however, bullseye natively has 3.0.0~rc43-3 [12:27:41] what's the desired outcome for bullseye? should it just use the more recent default version from bullseye or do we expect any API issues and should also stick with rc35 there? [12:28:04] (which might need some additional component/pinning to make apt prefer the less recent version) [12:28:50] mmhh I think we should go with rc43, no expected API issues IIRC [12:29:02] and eventually bring up the fleet to rc43 [12:29:15] ok, sounds good. preparing a patch