[20:43:21] Does anyone have thoughts/background about grafana vs. bullseye? I'm trying to refresh our metrics systems and getting errors about a few python2 things (which should be easy to work around) and grafana-plugins which is less obvious how to work around. [20:43:25] Anyone tried this already? [20:56:29] hey andrewbogott, I'm not sure if we've gotten around to getting testing grafana on bullseye yet. I'd expect if we did there's be an indication in the monitoring horizon project, but it still looks like buster. [20:57:41] cwhite: ok, and sounds like it isn't planned for anytime soon? (I'll probably just role my current project back to buster unless someone here has plans underway or wants to work with me as their test case) [21:00:18] Beyond trying to upgrade to Grafana 8, I'm unaware of any plans. I can put it on the agenda for the meeting on Wednesday, though. [21:03:51] I will probably just back up to Buster for now. thanks! [21:12:05] Hi @andrewbogot, cwhite is correct, we don’t have any immediate plans, but welcome to have a longer chat. [21:12:21] Oops missed a ‘t’ [21:12:26] Apologies [21:16:22] thanks lmata. I'm trying to do a mostly-blind hardware refresh so am going to just stick with Buster unless someone on your end is excited about pairing on this :) [21:17:33] sounds good, will discuss with the team on wed during team meeting. [21:18:09] cool