[07:44:33] ryankemper: yeah next Tues works even better for me [07:46:30] mutante: yeah alertmanager isn't aware of all possible alerts and their status, having said that what we ought to do is expose the prometheus web interface behind sso, which does have a list of alerts and their status [07:53:33] filed as T301944 [18:10:30] Hi observability team, I have started a puppet role for the data catalog based on your opensearch roles. I initially tried the latest debian 11 bullseye but I see now there are no opensearch packages for that debian version. Before I downgrade to debian 10 buster, is there any work in progress to support debian 11 bullseye? I could potentially help :) [18:14:16] razzi: hey, we're planning for bullseye after rollout of 1.2.4 to codfw. It's not tested, but it doesn't mean we couldn't create the deb components ahead of time though. [18:15:10] Ok yeah this is for a new service that will not have any data that isn't persisted elsewhere, so it's a good candidate for testing things out [18:20:51] I'm looking on gerrit and I don't see a repository for opensearch, could you point me to the repo cwhite and maybe I can build the .debs myself? [18:22:14] razzi: no need :) I justed added opensearch1 component to bullseye-wikimedia [18:28:00] ok perfect! Thanks cwhite [18:28:00] Might we also need to do the same for elasticsearch-curator? [18:28:58] looks like elasticsearch-curator versions are synchronized with debian [18:29:09] should be available? [18:30:28] cwhite: o/ should be https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/elasticsearch-curator [18:31:04] puppet may be configured to pull it from a component [18:31:51] apt::package_from_component { 'elasticsearch-curator': [18:31:51] component => 'thirdparty/elasticsearch-curator5', [18:31:51] } [18:31:53] razzi: --^ [18:32:24] ah no wait, opensearch::curator seems to be good [18:32:25] package { 'elasticsearch-curator': [18:32:25] ensure => '5.8.1' # ensure version compatible with announced version 7.10.0 [18:32:28] } package { 'elasticsearch-curator': [18:32:31] ensure => '5.8.1' # ensure version compatible with announced version 7.10.0 [18:32:34] } [18:33:20] it is definitely available according to apt-cache policy [18:33:55] ah version 5.8.1-1 [18:34:22] probably needs a puppet conditional [18:34:24] I'm a bit lost, here's the error I got though: [18:34:24] ```Error: /Stage[main]/Opensearch::Curator/Package[elasticsearch-curator]/ensure: change from 'purged' to '5.8.1' failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold --force-yes install elasticsearch-curator=5.8.1' returned 100: Reading package lists... [18:34:25] ... [18:34:25] E: Version '5.8.1' for 'elasticsearch-curator' was not found [18:34:25] ``` [18:34:54] razzi: apt-cache policy elasticsearch-curator returns 5.8.1-1 [18:35:18] so the opensearch::curator class probably needs to have a conditional for bullseye [18:35:36] (like not enforcing any specific version) [18:37:03] does it make sense cwhite ? [18:37:22] we have the version in puppet for "ensure => '5.8.1' # ensure version compatible with announced version 7.10.0" [18:37:48] so bullseye should be fine without it [18:49:24] elukey: how about specifying the exact version through hiera like so? https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/763587 [18:51:54] razzi: not sure, I'd have added a simple if debian::codename::lt("buster") { code that specifies the version } else { simply install the package }. You can ask to cwhite what's best, they will have to do the migraton soon as well :) [18:52:20] (need to go, ttl!) [18:52:25] ok thanks elukey ~ [18:52:28] ! [20:03:24] elukey, razzi: yeah, I bet we need the debian version conditional. We haven't tested bullseye yet so issues like this are bound to come up. [20:05:46] FWIW, we need to evaluate curator for other solutions as it's caught up in the fork fallout: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T301017 [21:11:53] godog: ACK, and thank you! noted :)