[14:36:42] Hi! We just got a page from icinga for a host being down (100% ping lost), but that did not show up on alertmanager at all, is that expected? [14:38:26] mmhh iirc yes, we export service problems but not host problems dcaro [14:38:46] that's not in set in stone of course, hasn't come up before though [14:39:16] I should say "send alerts for" rather than "export" but you get the idea [14:43:10] okok, would be nice to have those too, as that would mean that you can just have a central place to look for errors (even though you still have to silence in the other system) [14:44:05] do you think is something I could try adding too? [14:45:08] yeah I see what you are saying re: having alerts in one place [14:45:24] dcaro: for sure, happy to help and review the changes [14:47:28] also happy to brainstorm if there is a perhaps higher level alert/signal use to page? "host down" pages to me seems like it could use more symptom-based alerting [14:49:26] yep, we are going to spend some time this quarter looking into alerts and what to page for [14:49:59] this would be a "quick fix" until that is sorted out [14:50:43] ack, makes sense! thanks for the context [15:02:18] I'll try to give it a try next week then :), thanks a lot! [15:05:30] for sure -- thanks for helping!